Chapter 4: Grounded

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Gemini and Osciris watched the man as he stared down at them. Blue eyes showing no emotion, even after what he had just said, he looks on at them. The muscles in Osciris's arm began to tighten up as Gemini's hand tensed on him. What was this feeling they were getting from him, Anger? Sadness maybe? The tension he created was clearly blocking his feelings ,though. It honestly felt like they were being crushed by his enormous pressure, minds telling them to definitely not mess with him. Their bodies telling them to run as fast as they could. They did not want to be there.

With fear in his voice, but strength in it as well, Osciris speaks. "But... On what reason should we leave?" He slowly lowered his mouth back to it's base form as he waited for a response to the question. Osciris wasn't going to back down, especially for Gemini. This was her one chance to find out what happened to her mother, and he wasn't going to let anything ruin that chance for her. He stared at the man, unmoved, determined to stay, and determined to fight if necessary.

Gemini looked at Osciris's face, which was undeterred from staring down the man, determination in O's eyes... But she knew him better, she knew he was afraid, hell, she could feel his whole arm shaking... So why was he doing that... Was he doing it for her? She looked up at the man, who stared back, almost as if throwing a thousand ice daggers into her eyes and heart. If looks could kill, he could easily. Gemini then knew what she had to do. She took a step out from behind Osciris, and stared down the man. "We're sorry to bother you Sir, but we're looking for my mo-"

Gemini stopped speaking at that moment.


Gemini looked down as the tip of a sword comes out of her side. Pain shot up her abdomen as she screamed. She held her side as blood began coming out of the stab wound, and fell to the ground, clutching it.

Osciris watched as she fell, mouth wide open, in shock. "GEMINI!" He screams as he kneels, trying to pick her up, but just before he could, he notices a shine of a sword coming down on him. He brings up his sword to block it, but he's thrown back by the tremendous force the man applied to him.

"I told you to leave immidiately. Now you must pay the price for not listening." He dashes forward at the kid, bringing up his sword for a side swipe, but Osciris is able to block this one too, but is blown back again, throwing him at least a couple yards back, landing him face down. He rushes back up and barely dodges the Man's next attack, a heavy sword comes slashing down next to him. The man keeps the momentum and swings his sword around at Osciris again, this time making Osciris block again. Another down blow to his head. Osciris puts his hand on the metal sheet of iron of his sword, in order to help brace for the attack. The swing from the Man's sword comes down on Osciris, pushing him back again, this time, only sliding. O clenches his teeth together as his arms vibrate from the shock, a wrist probably broken from it. The man then brings his foot up and kicks O square in the chest, sending him flying to the ground. O is barely able to get prepared for the next onslaught from the man.

Cling! clang! cling! The sounds of the sword fight behind Gemini was getting distant, the blood was too much,cut was too big. Gemini watched the sky as she seethed her teeth in pain. So, this is what getting stabbed feels like, huh? Heh... Hehe...

She was laughing to herself. Laughing! In this situation... Jeeze. She looks down at the wound, the blood was slowing, but she could feel herself getting dizzy, far too much blood loss. She looked back up at the cloudy sky. It looks like it's going to rain... Huh. Good way to die, dying while in rain... Perfect. She closed her eyes, waiting. Waiting and waiting... But then she heard something... Well, not really heard. It... Almost sounded like a voice in her head. It was calling her... Calling her to come.

She opened her eyes, wide. "Where?" She said out loud, as if with not a care in the world. It then said something to her, but it hadn't really talked either. The building, it was telling her to go to the building. She pondered for a moment, choosing to trust this... Voice or not, before giving it an answer. "Ok... I will." She rolls over in the dirt, and began pushing herself up. She didn't know what was happening, but she could care less. Spit flew as she seethed at the pain in her side, telling her to lay back down and just die. But she wasn't listening, it wasn't time to die yet. She then pushes herself up, screaming. She stumbles, but keeps herself up with all her strength. Clutching her side, she begins walking toward the building, stumbling, but not falling, along the way.

Osciris looked over where Gemini was laying when he gets the chance. The only thing is, she wasn't lying down, she was walking toward the building, bloodsoaked and all but dead. The Man in armor also noticed this, and his face became strained with anger,as he began running at her, full force, determined to stop her. "Stop!" He yelled at her as he bomb-rushed her. Osciris ran to catch up, but then stopped, knowing he wouldn't be able to catch up to The Man nor Gemini, but he thought up something else to do, magic. He wasn't the best, but Osciris knew a thing or two. As fast as he could without messing up, O chanted. "Per omnia di deaeque defendat Geminis terra Wall, surge!"(Translation: By all gods and Goddesses, protect Gemini, Earth Wall, Surge.)

The ground around Gemini began glowing with a white shine, shook and cracked, and then rose quickly. All around her, ground rose to about 10-12 feet straight up, dirt, and clay formed high and tall. Rubble fell as  the wall rose to The Man displeasure. Due to this, however, the ground below Gemini gave way, sliding her down into a tunnel below, lit with... Weird torches, ones without fire, that were somehow glowing very brightly. The tunnel was made of the same type of clay that the building was made of (It's actually cement). She coughed as powder and dust entered her lungs, and stung at her wound. She looked around at her surroundings, a straight tunnel, nothing but wall on either side. She looked back, as she realized the pathway was blocked off by dust and rocks and rubble. So much for that path. She looked forward again, seeing how far the tunnel went. She then heard something again.

The semi-voice came back to her, and it told her to walk, walk straight. She complied with the voice, clutching her wound, and seething at the teeth as she limped away into the brightly lit tunnel, and away from the battle above ground.

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