chapter 5: Swords and Rain

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The Man stood there, staring at the wall for a moment. His eyes glowing now with anger that he let his prey get away. He then turned back to the young lad, head covered in blood, but still going strong. The smirk on his face just pissed off the Man even more. "Do you even have any clue as to what you have just done?! YOU STUPID FUCKING BRAT! YOU MAY HAVE JUST DOOMED US NOW!" The man whistled as loud as he can, and a bunch of armed men, all dressed in armor came rushing out the building. The Man watches as the group runs up to him, and he starts talking to them. "Liean, take half the men here and go into the tunnels, a girl will be there. Kill her before she can reach the barrier! Go! Ria, you come with me, we're going to kick this kid's ass." He said with a smirk on his face as the group complied.

Half of the group splits off and runs into the building, swords drawn, while the other half turns and stares straight at Osciris, who is currently realizing of his chances to survive is slim to none. Still though, he laughed. For the time being, Gemini was safe. A drip of blood slowly rolled down his eye and down his cheek. A cut on his head? Really? He sighs and breaths deeply, gaining his mind back. The man is too strong, way too strong... He began counting the heads of the group. 1,2,3...7, 7 people.... Oh what the hell. "Ganging up on a kid huh? Pretty cheap if you ask me, hehe. I won't back down from it though, so come at me with what you have. I'm prepared this time."

Osciris watches the group, and waits, assessing the situation he was currently in. 7 on 1... heh, pretty good match up. He is prepared this time, and he knows he is. Gemini may have gotten the magic and strength of the duo, but skill? It's all him. He pierced his lips as wind howled by him, grass waving in the air. Dark clouds above, rain in the distance.

The cut on his head stung as the group looked on at him, both eyeing each other. Osciris moved his right foot behind the other, legs spread out not too far, but just enough to give him a good stance and a good running start. His sword by his side, he puts both hands on the hilt, and brings it up to the front of him, pointing it at an angle, just as his father had showed him.

He watched, and waited, heavy breathing from the nose.

Both groups seeing who'd move first, who had more impatience.

A rain drop enters into the line of view, and time slows as the rain drop heads toward the ground. A slow blink from O, blood dripping off his cheek, and a deep breath outwards, muscles tensing, hand twitching.


All hell breaks loose then.

Gemini blinked as she put her bloody hand on the wall in means of gaining support to stay up. Long fucking corridors don't help much with stab wounds, heh. Using her other arm, she clutched the injury and kept walking along the weirdly lit passage, blood trail left behind as she walked. Her face contorted to the pain as each step taken allows blood to seep out of her, as if it were a weird pump for her body, only the crank is the twist and movement of the muscles underneath her skin. She knew she should be dying right now, there's been too much blood loss, so what has pushed her to actually move in this condition? What... Is that weird voice that told her, whispered to her in some weird way to come down into this weird building. Everything is just so weird.

She looked around at the tunnel, looking at the... candles? They were attached to the wall. She had never seen something like that before, it had no flame, but it glowed. Could it be some sort of magic? She looked ahead, and noticed a dip in the floor. A stair case maybe?

Beads of sweat poked her eyelashes as blood dropped on the floor while she winced in pain. By the time she reached the end of the hall way, she had to stop and take a couple of quick, but deep breaths. She looked down what was definitely a stair case, and sighed. She had a hard enough time walking here, but stair cases? Can't this voice give her a break? She then heard something, and poked her head up to listen. It was coming from back down the hallway, and now that she was listening, it was a couple of voices. Gemini stood, with her back up straight and began rushing down the stairs as quick as she could, holding her side tight, keeping the pressure on it. They were after her, and she knew it.


Osciris brought around his sword as one of the knights went down, a cut to his leg joint. Osciris brought his sword down onto the knight's neck, stabbing it all the way through, blood gushed everywhere. He pulled his sword out as another enemy came back up from behind him. He rolled out of the way and jumped up, only to lean back at the slash of a sword that would have gotten him in the stomach. Sweat boiling at his head, he swings his sword down, only for it to bounce off the metal armor. Keeping the momentum he originally had, he brings it up and slashes at the shoulder joint, cutting it all the way through the unarmored area of the armpit. The man, who was clearly not much older than he was, went down screaming as his arm went another way, dangling only by the armor, blood pouring out. O was about to stab the guy to put him out of his misery, but he noticed a shine in his sword, and barely dodges as a sword comes down on the place where he was originally standing. He smirked and laughed to see it was The Man he originally fought earlier.

"Heh, don't you think it's a dick move to surprise attack a kid?" He said as he mounted another assault, this time, ready for the strength of the man. He ran forward, sliding under the Man's swing of the sword, and jumps up, turning his head, only to be elbowed in the face by the Man, sending him recoiling a little. O recovers quickly and brings his body around the other way, as well as the sword, side swiping at the man, only to have his sword blocked and pushed back. The Man smirked at O as he pushed the sword away from him. "You're quite skilled for a kid. You're going to be fun as my prey. Hehe!" He then charges at Osciris, as the people that crowded them in a circle watched.

What the heck?! How long is this stair case going to go for?! Gemini sighed to herself as she kept going down the hard steps. Sweat dribbled down her cheek bone, falling to the floor, where it joined dust and blood. Every now and then she winced in a sharp pain, but her side had basically gone numb at that point. The voice in her head had began whispering to her in such a weird language now. It sounded kinda like her language, but older, much older. She sighed again and kept going down the stairs.

After a few more minutes, her foot decided to stumble, only for her to face plant onto solid ground. She looked up, dazed and confused. Now you decide to slip, huh? Stupid foot. As she looked forward, she could see a dimly lit room. As she got up, mind getting more clear, she could see that the room was huge, with a pit in the middle. A bridge led across the pit to the other side, where, to her amazement, was... Some sort of glowing... Physical light of some sort? She didn't know what it was at all. It was glowing blue, with lines in it. It... Was so weird. It looked something like a magical barri-

At that moment, the voice spoke loudly to her, very loudly in her mind actually. She jumped at it, puzzled at what it had said, but at the same time... She knew what it was asking her to do. "Come through here" was what it said.

She didn't understand how she knew, she just did. She began walking to the barrier, slowly, clutching her side in pain. That stumble woke up her side again, and fuck, did it hurt. As she kept walking, she could hear voices begin coming from the stair case. At that moment, she began running, the beads of sweat flying off her face as she ran. By the time she reached the barrier, she was breathing sharply, taking a ton of deep breaths. She measured the barrier, up and down she looked. It was glowing blue, a pretty blue.

She took a deep breath, and, releasing her hand from the wound, she reached out and touched the barrier. Around her hand, yellow glowing Sparks shot out, and her hand went through. It felt weird, but as long as she wasn't being hurt by it, she paid no mind.

Now more comfortable, she took her step through the barrier. As she came out on the other side, she patted herself down, just to make sure she wasn't missing any limbs. After being satisfied with her well being, she looked up, and almost died from shock at what she saw. On the rocky wall on the other side of the room, there hanged a man, arms and legs out stretched, hands nailed deep into the wall, feet stuck together by a nail themselves. As she looked on in awe, she watched as the man raised his head from a limp position, his hair, shaggy and brown, dirty. She let out a surprised breath as he opened his eyes. His eyes... They weren't human. Upon his face, we're to black eyes, with golden, glowing irises. He... No IT, opened its mouth, showing a row of sharp teeth. It then made a sound, it was talking to her.

"Hello... Human."

(First introduction to Alcor, YAY! And yes, I gave him the Jesus treatment.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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