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Zayn's POV

I saw her cheeks flush into a slight shade of pink, as a smile crept up on my lips. ''Why are you hesitating?'' I asked with an cocked eyebrow, but still a smile on my lips. ''I'm not,'' She muttered before she stood up from the chair and slowly walked over to me. ''Can you move so I can lay next to you?'' She asked as she stood at the side of my bed. ''No can do, you'll just have to lay down on top of me.'' I smirked and she shut her eyes as she let out a soft chuckle. ''Why do you have to be so perverted, though?'' She grinned as she softly pushed me away, so I could make some room for her. ''Hey, I've been keeping my perverted side on the low.'' I defended myself and she chuckled as she put the blanket on both of us.

''Why are you laying in bed, actually? Are you ill or something?'' Her head turned my way and my lips parted at the beautiful sight of her laying next to me. ''Erm, yeah something like that, it doesn't really matter though.'' I said quickly and she gave me a puzzled look. ''Well, what's wr-'' She began but I cut her off. ''So, what did you do when you came home?'' I quick changed the subject, I didn't need her pity or concern about me for some foolish flu.

''Well,'' She smiled at me before she continued. ''I just changed into something comfortable,'' She began as she gazed at something uninteresting in front of her. ''And from then on,'' She stopped to turn her face to me. ''I couldn't stop thinking about you.'' She said softly, almost inaudible, but I could obviously hear it since we were just inches apart from eachother. ''Oh really?'' I asked as I bit my lower lip, trying to hide the huge smile that was about to take place on my lips.

''Really.'' She confirmed as she let out a soft chuckle and looked down. ''I'm so embarassing,'' She chuckled as she threw her head back and glanced at me. I leaned over next to her, and softly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ''I think it's cute.'' I murmured as I softly kissed her jawline. I felt her tense up beside me, so pulled away. ''Are you okay?'' I asked her reassuringly, even though I wasn't doing anything wicked or crazy to her. ''Yeah, yeah, it's just that,'' She began as she looked down at her hands. ''It's just what?'' I asked with an cocked eyebrow. ''It's just so weird.'' She exclaimed as she let out a soft chuckle afterwards. ''You mean, weird as in us, together?'' I asked and she nodded.

''I mean, at the beginning of this school year, we completely despised eachother and now look at us, isn't that weird?'' She said and I leant back against the headboard of the bed. ''Kinda, but you never know how things will work out in the future. Who knows, maybe we'll be married and have three kids within ten years.'' I shrugged.

''That means I would be 28 and already have three kids,'' She grinned as she layed her head on my chest. ''And we'd have a dog as well,'' I interrupted her as she let out a chuckle. ''Oh really? You have it all planned out, haven't you?'' She asked. ''Maybe I do, yeah.'' I smiled.

Suddenly I felt my chest roar, meaning I was about to have a coughing fit. I tried to hold my coughs back by gulps of water. Mina rose up from my chest and looked frowning at me. ''Are you okay?'' She asked worriedly. ''Yes-'' I said but still got into a coughing fit. ''Zayn, are you okay?'' I heard her say once again but then my vision got black.

Mina's POV

''Is he gonna be okay?'' I asked Trisha, who was sitting on the edge of his bed with a damp little towel, pressing it softly onto his forehead. She sighed in defeat before turning back to me. ''Yeah, he will.'' She smiled weakly at me before turning back to Zayn who still had eyes shut tightly.

After he got unconcious, I ran downstairs to inform Trisha and she immediately got upstairs to check on him. That happened a half hour ago, and he still wasn't awake which made me scared as hell. I should've payed more attention to him, and at least notice he was a little ill. The sight of a pale Zayn, laying unconcious on his bed, would honestly haunt me forever. Why couldn't he just tell me he wasn't feeling well so I could at least take some care of him. Knowing him, he had way too much pride for that.

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