Chapter 14

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Draco was out of breath as he ran down the ministry's halls. A protronus the shape of a grey wolf had appeared at his office and basically barked at him. The last time it had appeared in his office was when his wife had passed out mid trial- while pregnant with their second child.

All apparition to and from the ministry had been banned, a blanket ban that would hopefully prevent anymore unwanted persons coming or going too quickly. Everyone had to come and go via the designated entrances that were being overlooked by aurors for any suspicious persons or those acting out of the ordinary.

"Potter run faster." Draco barked at his former nemesis who was now his childrens' beloved uncle. Harry would've barked back that he wasn't even a full step behind Draco but his godson and namesake had called him on his mother's cellphone crying. Between the sobs, Harry had heard war sounded like Lyie, taken, bad people. So he said nothing to Draco. Instead Harry just focused ahead. The ministry's halls were vast but they'd never felt unending until today for the two men.

Willow Malfoy was the first to hear her father's footsteps. She peered around her mother and crying brother. To anyone else, Hermione Granger- Malfoy looked perfectly composed. Strong, intelligent, and unwavering but the two men's eyed widened because they'd never seen Hermione so ashen and devastated in their lives.

Draco looked frantically around as he saw that Hermione was carrying their sobbing son while their youngest daughter stood solemnly between Hermione and Blaise, whose protronus had warned Draco; Willow's fist clenched the folds of Hermione's cream dress pants.

"Lyie," Harry Scorpious Malfoy still sobbed in his mother's arms, his childhood pronunciation of his eldest sister's name making a reappearance in his distraught.

"Where's Lyra?" Draco asked, or more accurately yelled upon realizing that his eldest was nowhere to be seen. Several people took a step back at the anger in Draco Malfoy'stone.

"Draco, she, she was," Blaise said, "She was taken."

And like that Draco's world felt like as if it'd just collapsed in of itself. His knees weakened. A second later he fell to his knees as the voices of concern around him began to blur together. "She was taken" rang in his ears over and over again while his eyes glazed over.

"Daddy!" Willow cried as she ran to her dad, who was always so strong... if one didn't take into account colds and needles. She cried his name five more times before Draco began to respond being shaken out of his revere. "Willow," he whispered as his youngest finally began to cry now too. Having tried to be strong for as long as she could for her brother and Mum. But seeing her Dad fall apart too, she could no longer hold it in and began to wail loudly, acting all of her tender three years.

Draco began to stroke her hair as he picked her up. However upon handing her to Harry Potter, eyebrows rose until Draco Malfoy charged at Westin Bidley and another auror who were tasked with protecting this section of the ministry permanently. He grabbed Westin by the guy's collar, Draco's eyes like the sky of an approaching thunderstorm. "What the bloody fuck were you incompetent sorry excuses of aurors doing when those assholes took my daughter!" He screamed, almost spitting on the very frightened auror.

Before Harry Potter could yell at Draco Malfoy for mandhandling one of his aurors, Hermione almost eerily asked her husband in a calm tone to let go of the auror.

Draco basically dropped the auror as he stared back at is wife whose shock seemed to have worn off. It also seemed that his son was also done crying upon hearing his father curse.

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