Chapter 1: Is love at first sight real?

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The 2017 People's Choice Awards were over, Chandler did a great job hosting. Everyone was happy that he hosted them this year maybe he had to thank his charisma and being a rockstar for that good public reception. He even ended up winning 2 awards.

Everyone was starting to leave the Microsoft Theater and Chandler went backstage to get ready to attend an after-party.

"Congrats Chand! You did great dude!" Michael, a guy from the staff crew told him.

"Thanks man!" He replied giving him a pat in the back. 

He continued his way to his dressing room to be congratuled by more staff crew.

*Chandler's dressing room*

He entered his dressing room to find a brown suit at the table next to a note that said: "I know that you don't like suits, but if you're going to an after-party at least look a little decent! - Tristan

Tristan is Chandler's manager and has been since he became known in 2011. They are pretty close, he was the first one that believed that he could be someone in the music industry. 

"What a dick" He smiled taking the suit from the table. 

Once he was ready he headed to the after-party. Due to L.A. horrible traffic he arrived a bit late.

*Inside the after-party*

"Stupid traffic" He said to Tristan, who was next to him. 

"If you wouldn't  have took forever getting ready, we wouldn't have been stuck in traffic" He rolled his eyes. 

"I already said sorry" He smiled.

"Guys! What took you so long?!" A beautiful blonde woman came to them. 

"Traffic sis, traffic..." He said hugging her. Emily Main is Chandler's older sister. she's an actress.

"Hey let's go get a drink" He told her ledding her to the bar. 

*At the bar*

"Hey one Vodka, and what you want?"

"A tequila"

"You heard the lady" He told the bartender

"Right away sir" The bartender politely answered. 

"Thanks" He smiled. 

The bartender placed the drinks in front of them. 

"So sis, how you doing?" He asked taking a sip from his drink.

"Everything's great. I won't ask you cause i see that life's treating you well" 

"Yeah, you could say so" 

"Any new prey on your hunting list?" She asked

He laughed. "No, I don't have anyone in my "hunting list".

Suddenly a gorgeous brunette woman entered the room leaving everyone speechless with her beauty as she made her way across the room to the bar. 

"Maybe tonight it could change" Emily smiled. "Look to your right"

Chandler turned around to see the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

"Holy moly... She's so BEAUTIFUL! Oh crap, she's coming!" He nervously fixed his hair.

"Quick Emily you gotta help me impress her!" He said looking to his left to find that Emily was gone. 

"SHIT" he thought.

"Alright Chand this is your big shot! Relax, just act like yourself and it will be fine"

"Vodka, please" the brunette asked sitting next to Chandler.

"Here I go!" he thought. "I see that we have similiar tastes" He said turning around to see the most gorgeous eyes in the world.

"Excuse me?" The brunette asked.

"Oh sorry, I just couldn't help but listen to what you ordered" He smiled. "I'm such a fool, my name is Chandler Main" He introduced himself offering his hand to her. 

She smiled. "Don't worry. Elizabeth, Elizabeth Olsen" She shook his hand.

Chandler started feeling goosebumps with the simple touch of her hand.

Will something happen between Chandler and Elizabeth tonight? 

When I look into your eyes i see my futureElizabeth Olsen x OCWhere stories live. Discover now