Chapter 3: Would you go on a date with me?

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It was early in the morning and Chandler was arriving at the studio. 

"There  you are! Hurry you need to start writing your next big hit!" Tristan said handing him his headphones. 

"Relax, Tris! We got this ok? Plus I came inspired today so there won't be problems on writing the song"

"Oh great! To what do we owe  the inspiration?" Andrew asked. Andrew has been Chandler's record producer since his second album. 

"Well I had a great night last night" He smiled.

"And he met this hot chick and I gotta tell you if that had happened to me, I would be inspired too" Tristan grinned. 

"Oh Chand, you can't quit your playboy habits" Andrew chuckled. 

"Hey it's not like that! I'm trying to get to know her alright" 

"Oh that's surprising, good luck with that! Now let's get to work, we got a song to make!" Andrew handed him a pen and a notebook. 

*few hours later*

"This looks great!" Andrew handed back the notebook with the  lyrics to Chandler.

"Glad you like it, I'm still not sure about the melody"  

"Don't worry, we are gonna work on that tomorrow and also record it" He patted Chandler's back. 

"Fine, see you man!" Chandler got up and exited the studio. He went straight to the parking lot, got in his porsche and drove off. Suddenly he got the courage to make a call to someone who didn't left his thoughts the whole morning. 

"Hello" A soft voice answered. 

"Hi Elizabeth, It's Chandler" Elizabeth could feel her heart start to race at the sound of his voice. She drifted into another world for a second. 

"Are you there Liz?" 

"Yes, yes! I'm sorry i got distracted for a moment" She said taking a breath. 

"Don't worry" He grinned. "How are you?" 

"I'm great and you?" 

"Great too, I just got out from the studio"

"Really how did it went?" She asked curious. 

"Good, very good actually. Hey Lizzie, would you go on a date with me? " He nervously asked.

"A date?" Elizabeth could feel the butterflies in her stomach. 

"Yeah, as friends do you want?" 

"Of course!"

"Awesome! It's ok if i pick you up at 7 o'clock?" He asked trying to sound as cool as possible. 

"Yes It's fine"

"Alright! See you later Liz" 

"See you!" She hung up. 

"OMG! He asked me on a date!!" She started screaming. "Lizzie hold yourself together! Gosh I need to call Angel so she helps me get ready and also to relax" She regained her composure and grabbed her phone. 

"HOLY SHIT, SHE SAID YES!!" He shouted and started doing his little celebration dance, which almost made him crash his car on the freeway. 

"Look out asshole, you could have killed someone!" A guy said passing past him.

"Sorry dude!" He felt ashamed for a second but he started to celebrate again. 


What will Chandler and Elizabeth do in their first date? 

When I look into your eyes i see my futureElizabeth Olsen x OCWhere stories live. Discover now