Chapter 2: Someone to talk all night to

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"It's nice to meet you, Elizabeth" He let go from her hand. 

She smiled. "Same, you did a great job hosting by the way" 

"Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. So Elizabeth if it's ok with you, I would like to get to know you" 

"Oh that's totally fine by me, I want to get to know you too" 

"Great! You probably have heard lots of tabloids about me" He grinned ashamed. 

"Not really, I'm not really into tabloid articles" 

"It's great to know that you're a person with a life, well enough with the tabloid bullshit tell me about you" He got closer to her. 

"Well I'm an actress"

He nodded. 

"I'm from Sherman Oaks and you can call me Lizzie, I really like it" 

"You got it, Lizzie" He smiled. 

"It's your turn rockstar, tell me about you"

He laughed. "Ok as you said I'm a rockstar, I was born in Texas but I moved to NYC when I was like 2 months old so you can say I'm a New Yorker" 

"Hello fellow New Yorker!"  She smiled patting him in the back.

"You grew up in New York too?"

"No I grew up here in Cali, but i spend a lot of time in New York"

"Oh alright. I gotta say it, I'm a big fan of your work as the Scarlet Witch i think she's one of my favorites now!" 

"Really? Thank you so much, you are too kind"

They spended  most of the night talking like there was nobody around or not really caring about the party, all their focus was on each other.

"Chand! We have to go, you got recording session tomorrow" Tristan came to them stopping to see what was going on.  "Oh where are my manners! Hello I'm Tristan, Chandler's manager and friend" He introduced himself. 

She smiled. "Elizabeth, nice to meet you"

"Uh Tristan, we were on the middle of getting to know each other, do we really have to go now?" He said trying not to complain. 

"Oh yes! Did he told you about the time he fell off from the stage?" He grinned. 

Elizabeth tried not to burst out in laughing but she couldn't. "Yes, it's such a fun story but it most have been painful for you Chandler" 

"Thanks for reminding her and yes it was!" He rolled his eyes.

"Well It's time to go, it was a pleasure to meet you Elizabeth"  Tristan turned around  and left. 

"I guess it's all for tonight"

"Yeah, it was so nice talking to you Chand" 

"It really was you made my night 100% better! But hey I could give you my phone number to keep talking" He suggested. 

"Of course!" That would be great" She grinned. 

They exchanged numbers and were now saying goodbye. 

"Goodnight it was so cool talking to you"

"Same i really  enjoyed it Lizzie, see you soon" He gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

It took Elizabeth by surprise, she placed her hand where he gave her the kiss smiling as she saw him leave. "Oh god am i falling in love?" 

"Damn about time! Let's go tomorrow it's gonna be a busy day"  Tristan said getting into Chandler's car. 

"Hey that girl, Elizabeth is awesome plus she's beautiful!" 

"I know. She's so interesting, funny, intelligent and GORGEOUS! He suspired.

"Someone just fell in love!!" Tristan shouted. 

He rolled his eyes. "It's too soon for that and  i really want to get to know her" 

"WOW are you feeling good?" He said touching his forehead. 

"Yes, why?"

"Well you usually sleep with the first girl that gets in your way and forget about her, you're not the kind to fall in love" 

"Oh shut up! I'm not like that... anymore"  

He drove off from the parking lot. 

*Chandler's house*

He was ready to go to bed, it was already 2 AM when he started to remember his chat with Elizabeth. "Maybe Tristan is right, I think i'm falling in love"

When I look into your eyes i see my futureElizabeth Olsen x OCWhere stories live. Discover now