Silver Lining

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"So Kousei." Kaori said "I've thought about your decision and decided to play on my own."

"WHAT."Kousei yelled

Kaori laughed "I'm just kidding dummy no need to get so worked up about it! Actually, I was planning on the both of us playing the piece I had, um, missed for the upcoming Gala competition."

"Um, well, that'd be great!" Kousei said, a smile breaking out "I'm sure Watari would be thrilled to watch all 50 people play."

Watari, hearing his name, looked up and yelled at the amount of people he would have to slee- watch through "Aw man. There won't even be any cute girls there either!" he complained.

Kaori furrowed her brows. He had gotten over her already? "Anyway," she cleared her throat "I think you guys should leave. Check on Tsubaki, I mean." Kaori knew why Tsubaki had left. And it was all her fault. She had barged in between them. She knew how close Tsubaki and Kousei were. But she came in anyway. "I need to use the bathroom too. OUT!" She yelled suddenly, making both boys jump

"We're leaving, leaving." Watari said scrambling out the room, with Kousei following right behind him
• • •

|A few days before...|

Kousei and Watari walked through the town, with the cherry blossoms flowing in the wind

"So Kousei..." Watari said, pausing "Do you think Kaori really likes me?"

Kousei stopped in his tracks, his heart beating fast "Well," he said, confused "Yeah.  She seems pretty into you. I mean, what girl wouldn't be?"

Watari thought about what he said for a moment "Yeah. I guess."

|Present day|

"Did you know?" The wind blew all around them, ruffling the two boys' hair as they walked

"Did I know.. what?" Watari replied, looking over

"About... Kaori? That she was going to break up with you?" Kousei said, his cheeks burning at the question

Watari thought for a moment "Well," he said "There's actually something I need to tell you."

Kousei looked over at him questioningly "About Kaori; She-" Watari was interrupted by his cellphone ringing " Hello?.. What?.. You can't be serious.. Tsubaki cut it out!!" He yelled and snapped his phone shut "Stupid Tsubaki and her ways of knowing. Hmph"

Kousei didn't know what to say so he just kept walking. His heart was beating fast, faster than rain could fall. He thought something had happened to Kaori... speaking of Kaori, "Hey what were you going to tell me? About Kaori?"

Watari sweat dropped "Uh, actually I dropped her instead of her breaking up with me because, I, uh, liked Keiko, uh, more than her and I just thought that we weren't working out for, um, each other. Yeah that's it!" Watari said, smiling at his brilliance

"Uh ok." Kousei was baffled; Watari was head over heels for Kaori just a day ago. It wasn't like him to just drop someone out of the blue, especially not Kaori. While Kousei was sad his friend had experienced heartache, he couldn't help but feel a little more cheerful at the silver lining in between.

|End of chapter 2|

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