It's your... (Special)

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  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOUSEI!!" three familiar voices screamed in his head. Kousei had a pleasant dream he was jumping on clouds and immediately fell out of one when the screaming occurred

"Whus goon on, wat happen?" Kousei said groggily

"How do you not know? It's your birthday!!" Kaori yelled

Kousei stared at her, then Tsubaki, then Watari ".. My birthday is tomorrow."

Tsubaki gaped at Kousei, her mouth long enough to hold a hippo

"Dammit Tsubaki I TOLD you it was tomorrow!" Watari said, face palming himself

"Well I didn't know, don't blame me, you didn't either!" Tsubaki retorted

"Guys it's fine we'll just, um, celebrate it a day early! No biggie, right?" Kaori said, sweatdropping

Kousei couldn't handle this anymore. Nor could he handle the fact that is was 3:00 in the morning. Without another sound he fell back asleep.

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