Chapter 22

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"Please." Kaori prayed "Let this go right."

" Watari what are you doing?" Tsubaki face palmed

"I'm just experiencing the whole taste exquisitely." Watari said, laughing as he took the whole ice pop out of his mouth

"Some people would call you gay for doing that." She sniffed

"You call it gay, I call it having a very long throat." He winked

"Eww." Tsubaki giggled

"Hey Watari! Tsubaki!" They both turned around

"Oh hey Kousei. What's up?" Watari asked

"It's Kaori! Her surgery is supposed to be over by now but they haven't said anything and...I'm scared." He finished, ducking his head down

"Come here, man. It'll be alright. She's a strong girl." Watari smiles and clapped Kousei on the back "Besides, she'd be laughing her head off if she could see the look on your face right now."

"Yeah she wouldn't want you worrying Kousei. If we find any news, we'll go visit her." Tsubaki said


The Next Day

"I'm nervous." Tsubaki said, her voice shaking

"Me too." Watari said. Kousei kept quiet.

They walked towards the hospital together, the silence and anxiety washing over them. To think that this girl would've been so important to them when they first met would be laughable. But now, Kousei couldn't think of a life without her.

They entered the hospital

"Room 204, please." Tsubaki said to the lady at the front desk

"Right down that hall and to the left." The lady directed

They walked towards her room

"Here it is." Watari said, his breath catching on the last word

"Well.." Tsubaki started

"Kousei, I think you should go in first." Watari said after a moment

"Yeah." Tsubaki quickly agreed

Kousei looked at the two of them, his heart quickening with every breath he took. He opened the door and-


His breath caught "Where..?"

"SURPRISE!" a familiar voice yelled out from behind them

"Kaori?" Kousei stuttered

"It's me, you big dummy!" Kaori said with a big grin on her face

"You're.. you're walking!" Kousei spit out

"Yep! The doctors fixed me up for good this time." She beamed

"You're.. you're walking!" Kousei wailed and burst into tears

Watari bust out laughing "C'mon Kousei man up!"

"Let him have his moment!" Tsubaki shushed him, elbowing him in the stomach

Kaori and Kousei embraced "I.. I didn't think I'd see you again." Kousei sniffed

"Well, I'm right here so no tear shedding from you sir! I'm back and ready to roll!" Kaori smiled

"Let's go home. We got a whole six episodes of that latest anime by Naoshi Arakawa. I heard it's really sick."

"Yeah." Kaori and Kousei smiled "Home."

And All Was Well.

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