Chapter 13

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"Well don't just stand there, go in dummy!" Tsubaki hissed outside Kaori's door

"I can't it's too painful you go ahead." Kousei muttered

"Hey man, come on. It'll be fine." Watari said, smiling, though a little troubled himself

"WHY ARE YOU TWO JUST STANDING THERE? I CAN HEAR YOU, Y'KNOW, JUST COME ON IN ALREADY!!" Kaori's voice rung out from the other side of the door

"Hey Kaori, how are you feeling?" Tsubaki asked a bit timidly

"Me? Well... After the surgery, they said.. I would have more time,"

Kousei's eyes widened

"but they're still working on it and told me I'll be back in no time!" Kaori said grinning widely. Noticing the worried looks from her friends she said "Aw come on guys, don't be like that. I'm fine, really!" they all reluctantly smiled back. Kaori pouted

"Uh anyway, how's school?" she asked in a small voice, discouraged by her friends' reactions

"It's going great! Kousei got pounded by a volleyball, his whole head was bleeding you should've seen it." Watari said laughing

"Shut up, it wasn't like that!" Kousei said hurriedly "I wasn't looking."

"Yeah yeah, you were like a deer in the headlights." Watari said, smirking "All balls have a way of ending up with Kousei's head." he snickered. Kaori smiled

Kousei looked away, fuming

"How have you been Tsubaki?"



"Huh? Oh sorry, I wasn't listening. I'm great." she smiled weakly

"Looks like someone was thinking about a crush hmm Tsubaki?" Watari burst out laughing

The truth is, Tsubaki was thinking of giving up on Kousei. He never payed much attention
towards her. And honestly, as much as it hurt, she could see that Kaori and Kousei loved each other.. a lot. She glanced towards Watari's grinning face.

How could she have not seen it before?

Watari's kinda cute

Ahh thank you guys for 248 reads! Just six days ago when I uploaded chapter 10 I had 144 reads! Over 100 reads in 6 days! I really appreciate everyone reading, please star and comment! I will reply to feedback and suggestions. Thank you!! 💕

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