Chapter 7

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    "The National Competition of Japan is coming to town! And it features violinists!" Kaori exclaimed "This is my time to shine!
"And THIS time no one will mess me up either!" She said, with a scary aura appearing over her had as she glared at Kousei

Help me guys she's the devil! He thought to himself  "Hey! I told you I couldn't play back then I couldn't hear the notes!" He said, shivering at her face

"That's because you weren't trying hard enough!" She said screaming

"Relax guys. I'm sure the beautiful Kaori-chan will be able to win first place." Watari said, leaning back in his chair with a grin on his face

"Of course I'll be able to! I'd be even better if I wasn't wasting my time ARGUING with a certain pessimist- I mean pianist!" she said, rolling her eyes

Kousei sweat dropped

I haven't updated in so long because I have like no inspiration. My views are dropping :(

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