Chapter 3

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Alois: (goes into room)

Ciel: (eavesdropping outside)

Alois: Claude, you buffoon!!! I'm trying to get Ciel to fall in love with me! Hitting on his fiancée is making him hate me! Any other ideas, idiot?

Claude: Be yourself.

Alois: That doesn't work! I tried that when we first met but I panicked, licked his ear, and creeped him out! I just want him to love me.

Claude: Your highness...

Ciel: (gasps, blushes and whispers) But I do love you.

Claude: (super hearing) We have a guest outside the door.

Ciel: (gasps and steps back)

Alois: Who's there? (runs up to door)

Ciel: (panics and hides behind a nearby corner.)

Alois: (opens door) There's no one there Claude. (mutters) Stupid demon.

Ciel: (sigh of relief) (peers around the corner)

Alois: I'm going back to the party. (goes outside) Oh (blushes) Hello Ciel. Waiting for me, I see.

Ciel: (blushes and shakes head) Of course not. I just had to use the bathroom. That's all.

Alois: Yeah, sure. I can see right through you Phantomhive.

Ciel: No you can't. I would know if you could.

Alois: Let's go back to the ball.

Ciel: Alright. Let's go.

(Walking down looooooong hallway. Every few seconds Ciel looks at Alois)

Ciel: You're kind of cute.

Alois: What?

Ciel: (blushes realizing that he said that out loud) Nothing!

Alois: You do realize that I heard you.

Ciel: (nervously) I don't know what you're talking about, Trancy!!! It must have been your imagination!

Alois: No, I heard you say that I was cute.

Ciel: (blushes and turns away) Nonsense! Why would I say such a thing to you?!

Alois: Maybe because you like me? (thinking: I can't believe this is happening!!!)

Ciel: (face super super red) No!! I would never like someone like you!

Alois: Oh really? Then how do you feel about this? (kiss on lips)

Ciel: (turns super red in the face and hesitantly kisses him back)

Alois: (thinking: OMG he's kissing me!!!)

Ciel: (pulls back and blushes.)

Alois: Ciel...(blushes)

Ciel: (runs to bathroom with tears in his eyes)

Alois: Wait, Ciel!!! What's wrong? What happened? (Runs after him)

Ciel: (sobbing on bathroom floor leaned up against door) Nothing! Leave me alone!

Alois: You're lying! Tell me Ciel!

Ciel: (breaks down in more sobs) Just leave me alone, you... YOU IDIOT!!!

Alois: (heart broken) O-ok. (runs downstairs) Everyone leave! The party was over 30 minutes ago! (lying)

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