Chapter 7

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Later When Ciel Comes Over~

Alois: Hello Ciel! (hugs)

Ciel: (hugs him back making sure that Sebastian isn't looking) Hello Alois.

Alois: Come in!

Ciel: Wow, I love the color of the room!

Alois: Thank you! Claude is very good at redecorating. Right Claude?

Claude: I hardly deserve your praise. Thank you.

Ciel: (smiles and sits in a nearby chair)

Alois: (sits closely next to him)

Ciel: (smirks but moves away a bit) You shouldn't sit that close. We wouldn't want Claude to notice, now would we?

Alois: (gasps) Oh, right! (blushes) Sorry.

Ciel: (smiles) It's fine. Just be more careful next time.

Alois: Ok.

Claude: Highness? I have snacks. (brings out a huge platter of food)

Ciel: (looks at platter) That's impressive.

Alois: That's Claude for you. You're dismissed Claude.

Ciel: (eats food slowly and watches Alois, blushing)

Alois: (notices him and smiles) What?

Ciel: (blushes) I just noticed that you're quite attractive. That's all.

Alois: (blushes and turns away)

Ciel: (smiles and gasps when he noticed that Sebastian was watching) S-Sebastian!!!

Sebastian: Yes sir?

Ciel: (gets up and walks towards him) What did you see?

Sebastian: Sir, I was simply bringing your things in. Is there something going on in there that I should know about?

Ciel: (sighs in relief) Nothing. Trancy and I were just talking. You can go now.

Sebastian: Yes sir.

Ciel: (walks back to Alois and sits next to him) That was a close one.

Alois: (still blushing) Yeah.

Ciel: (snickers) I didn't know you were one to blush so much Trancy.

Alois: Um..... (blushing even more)

Ciel: (chuckles) Are you alright?

Alois: (dying inside of blushing) Ummmmmm (kisses)

Ciel: (kisses back and blushes) Now you have me blushing.

Alois: So.....(thinking: OMG this is so awkward!!!)

Ciel: (looks around, blushing)

Alois: Wanna go to my room and play chess?

Ciel: (nods and stands up) Sure.

Alois: (walks to room) I'll set it up. Go ahead and get comfortable.

Ciel: (nods and sits in chair)

Alois: (nervously takes off purple jacket and shoes) (gets chess pieces and board)

Ciel: (watches him and raises an eyebrow at his nervous movements)

Alois: (blushing and walks over to table and starts setting up game) (thinking: Why is this so awkward?)

Ciel: (gets up and helps him set up game, their fingers brushing against each other's every once in a while)

Alois: Ciel?....

Ciel: Hm?

Alois: It might be just me but this...this is awkward, right?

Ciel: (thinks for a moment) Yes, perhaps, a little.

Alois: Why? We uses to be fine just talking but now I get flustered around you and get butterflies. I just don't know why. (sniffles, eyes tearing up a bit)

Ciel: (small smile) It's nothing to cry about. We're just young lovers, that's all. That's probably why you feel so different around me now.

Alois: It's just...just (whimpers) ju... (sobbing)

Ciel: (gives a sympathetic look and walks over to him, hugging him tightly.) Shhh it's ok. Just tell me what's wrong.

Alois: I just feel so insecure and I've only been loved a few times in my life and I feel like if I say anything that you will leave.

Ciel: I would never leave you. You mean so much to me. I love you more than anything, there's nothing you could say that would make me leave you.

Alois: Thank you Ciel. I love you. (kiss)

Ciel: (kisses back) I love you too.

(Sebastian and Claude are watching in the hallways)

Sebastian: You owe me a 20 Claude.

Claude: (rolls his eyes and hands him the money)

Sebastian: (smiles deviously) I told you. What do we do about this?

Claude: I believe that we should let Ciel and Alois stay like this. It will make their souls even sweeter.

Sebastian: Do you not realize what they are trying to...accomplish?

Claude: (raises an eyebrow) A relationship?

Sebastian: More or less. Are you ok with that? Doesn't Alois have a betrothed too?

Claude: Yes, he does. I believe that we will have to figure something out.

Sebastian: Until then let's leave them alone.

Claude: Yes. Let's them at least enjoy this moment.

Sebastian: Quite.

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