Let The Games Begin

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It's Prim's birthday today. Ten years have passed and I still feel a stab of pain whenever I think about her. I miss my sister, I still miss her every single day. During times like this, I resolve to just think about how progressive Panem is now, and how all the districts have flourished after the revolution. You helped make this a better world to live in, Prim. I say it to the wind, hoping it will reach her, wherever she is.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden kling of the bell, meaning someone just entered the apothecary shop. Despite the changing times, District Twelve still prefer buying herbal medicines and supplements from apothecary shops rather than going to the hospital. Somehow, hospitals scare people, perhaps due to its cold façade. For minor cuts, burns, and other illnesses, they go to my apothecary shop. I'm not as good as my mother, but I have managed to learn the art of healing. Besides, I have nothing to do at home, so might as well be useful.

"Ready to go home?" It was Peeta who entered the shop.

I look at the time. It is only three in the afternoon, I usually close at four o'clock. "Why? It's still early."

"It's Prim's birthday, right? Here," I didn't notice he was holding a rather huge box in his hands, "I made a cake for her. Let's celebrate."

I smiled. This is the Peeta I know, loving, thoughtful, kindhearted. Not that he's changed. It's just that, recently I feel that he's somehow down and depressed because I refuse to have kids. "Alright," I said, trying to humor him because deep inside, I feel bad for disappointing him.

It's not that I can't bear children. I just don't want to bring them into this world and have them taken away from me in an instant. There are no more Hunger Games to fear of, but I have this thinking that more often than not, the people I love end up getting hurt, or worse, dying. Look at Prim, look at what my love, care, and protection did to her. Did it do her any good? No. She still ended up dead, blown into bits just like what happened to my father. Look at what they did to Peeta after they captured him in the Quarter Quell. They made him prisoner, tortured him, they even made him forget that he loves me. Snow made Peeta suffer just because he knew it would break me.

I couldn't afford to lose anyone close to me again. Not now. Not ever.

As soon as I locked the door, Peeta held my hand and we started walking towards our home. It was chilly outside, sign that autumn is on its way. I felt sad, knowing that it will only be the two of us walking for the years to come.

We passed by Greasy Sae's house, and I realized I haven't seen her for weeks. I suddenly felt worried, so I decided to pay her a visit. "Can we see Greasy Sae first?" I asked Peeta. "It's been a long time since I saw her. I want to check if she's alright." After the revolution, Greasy Sae did the cooking for me, as well as Peeta. Just like Haymitch, she has become part of the family.

"Sure, no problem." He knocked on the door for me. It took a few knocks before someone opened the door. It was her.

"Oh hello! I haven't seen you for a while. Come in," she said. Peeta and I already entered her house, when we saw that she wasn't alone. There was a woman sitting in the corner, holding a blanket. I recognized her as one of Greasy Sae's grandchildren.

"How are you?" I asked Greasy Sae.

"Healthy as a horse!" she exclaimed. "Sorry I have been busy, my granddaughter gave birth last week. Her husband had to go to District Eleven for work, so I've been looking after them ever since he left." I now notice that she wasn't just holding a blanket. She was holding a baby. I looked sideways at Peeta and I saw the sadness in his eyes. Or is it longing? I cannot tell. All I know is that he's hurting right now. 

THE HUNGER GAMES: AFTERMATHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora