The Other Side

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After twenty years, I have decided to finally see Katniss again. I felt a mixture of conflicting emotions: excitement, fear, longing, happiness. What is she doing now? Is she happy? Did she end up with Peeta? A part of me would like to see her happily married and with kids. I want her to have the family that she lost. I don't want her to grow old alone. But a part of me, a huge part, I admit, would like to see her unmarried. Maybe she doesn't have to grow old alone. Maybe she's just waiting for me.

How I loathe the feeling of uncertainty. 

I've seen her mother a lot of times, but I never dared to ask her about Katniss and frankly, she has not volunteered any information---not even once. I am not sure what her intention is, if she's worried about my feelings, or if she hates me too much to even want me to have a direct connection to her daughter. Her only remaining daughter. Perhaps she doesn't want me too close to Katniss because I might kill her, just like what I did to Prim.

I did not actually kill Prim, the bombs that I designed did. It was the turning point both for me and for Katniss. Prim's death set me free in a way, though I'm not saying that it's a good thing. It's just that I was too caught up with Katniss, holding her back from what she would want to become because she cares for me and my family. I knew deep inside me that it's really Peeta that she loves, not me. And after this unfortunate event, she finally realized it by herself too. I remember what I told Peeta the night prior to that fateful day. 

Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can't survive without.

She certainly did. It may hurt her, seeing me get hurt, but it won't break her. When she wasn't sure if Peeta was still alive, she would often just stare blankly in the air. She won't even talk to Haymitch and the others who were involved in saving her from the Quarter Quell. She would walk beside me, but it feels like she wasn't there. When she saw Peeta alive, I saw hope in her eyes. It was like someone pushed her switch on, and suddenly she's alive again. When she realized that Snow was torturing Peeta, she was beyond broken.

Prim was the only person who kept her sane during the hardest times. Now she's gone. Will Katniss ever forgive me? What if after twenty years, she still thinks I killed her sister?

There's only one way to find out. I should just ask her, right?

It took me one day to travel from the Capitol to District Twelve. I haven't visited my district since forever. The last time I went there, it was when we were staying in District Thirteen and Katniss wanted to see the ruins of what we used to call our home. So much has changed, proof that Panem is on the right track. Under the leadership of President Paylor, our country has progressed. There are still those families who are wealthier than others, but poverty is no longer rampant. No bellies were left starving, and the best thing of all: no more Hunger Games.

When I reached Katniss' house, I suddenly had the urge to retreat. I was about to turn around when I heard a boy speak behind me.

"Excuse me," he said. I was startled. I finally turned to look at him.

A boy about seven or eight years of age, with blond hair, fair skin, gray eyes. He reminds me so much of… No, no, it can't be. If ever Peeta and Katniss got married, they wouldn't have kids. Katniss did tell me once before, that she would never want to have kids. And once she says something, she makes sure it will happen.

"Who are you?" the boy asked me, now looking annoyed. I realize that I'm still blocking his way.

"Oh, sorry," I said while paving a way for him. "Do you live here?"

The boy nodded. Without saying another word, he ran towards their terrace.

"Wait!" I called after him. "By any chance, do you know a woman named Katniss Everdeen? She used to live here."

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