First Day

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I wake up filled with tension. First day of school. How I hate this feeling. I'm not good when it comes to making friends, and I prefer solitude. My parents told me that I need to come out of my shell and make at least one friend because I will definitely need one when I'm out there. Funny, this is like another Games with the Capitol as the arena, and my parents are asking me to find an ally to help me survive.

I look around my room, it's strange. My bags are neatly stacked in one corner of the room, I haven't unpacked yet. I've been here for a week already and I don't feel at home. Not at all. This place is so cold, not literally. It's not as cozy as our house back in District Twelve. I'm staying in a penthouse of a mid-rise building, my parents bought this unit so we could have somewhere to stay in whenever we visit my grandmother. We could always stay in the Presiden't mansion, but my mother refuses to, because it brings back bad memories. 

In my seventeen years of existence, this is the first time I will be living away from my family. I have never learned to fend for myself, and now I'll be embarking on this life in which I have to learn to be independent. My brother would surely survive if he was in my position, because he knows how to cook just like my father. But me, I'm not really sure if I can do this.

I slowly got up, went to the bathroom and prepared myself a bath. I took my time because I know it will be a very long day.

I reached the university by foot in just ten minutes. If only I could make time go slower. I reach for my bag and took out my schedule to check the room number, as well as the map of the campus.

"Are you lost?" said a voice behind my back.

I turned around and saw a young man standing in front of me. This is the first time I have seen him, tall, lean, fair-skinned, with platinum blond hair. His lips are red, eyes green, appearance too neat, definitely not from District Twelve. Who is he? But the more important question is, why is he talking to me?

"Excuse me?" I said.

"I was asking if you were lost," he answered patiently.

"I'm sorry, but, do I know you?" I asked him.

He shook his head lightly, "I just saw you looking lost, so I just thought maybe you needed help. I'm Isaac, by the way." He extended his hand to me.

I hesitated for a while, but I remembered what my parents told me, to be nicer to people. I took his hand and shook it.

"I'm actually looking for this building," I pointed at the map. "Good thing I left my house early, or else I'll be late for my first day."

"No problem, I can walk you there," he offered.

I observed him carefully. He looks harmless to me but there's nothing wrong with being cautious, "Are you sure? Don't you have a class to attend to or something?"

"We actually have the same class," he answered. He led me to a path going to our building. "I didn't get your name," he said.

I shrugged, "If we're on the same class, you'll pretty much know what my name is at the end of the day." He smiled.

"Right you are," he mumbled.

We reached the classroom and it was almost full already. Isaac and I settled for a nearby pair of seats. After about twenty minutes, our professor arrived.

"Good morning," she said loudly in a distinct Capitol accent. "I am Professor Camden, and I'll be your mentor for the next three years. Don't expect that it will be easy, but the good news is you don't have to work alone. Take a look at your seat mate, you are now looking at your partner for all your course works for the rest of your education. Unless of course, one of you fails. In that case, the other will be left to repeat the course alone."

"Perhaps you could now give me your name," Isaac whispered, "you know, considering that we'll be stuck with each other for the next couple of years or more."

Absurdity. Now I am forced to work with someone I barely know. Well, at least he is helpful. And kind. Ugh, now my whole future somehow depends on him.

"Ione," I whispered back. "My name's Ione Mellark."

I looked sideways and saw him smile, but his eyes are fixed on the board.

"Let's make it fun shall we?" Our professor said excitedly. She reminds me so much of my overly enthusiastic Aunt Effie. "Very well, will you please introduce yourselves in front so your classmates will be acquainted with you?"

If there's one thing I hate, it's talking in front of a large crowd. Fortunately, Isaac and I are sitting at the back part of the room so it took some time before it was my turn.

"Uh, hi. My name is Ione Mellark, seventeen years old. I'm from District Twelve," I said rather too quickly.

Everyone was silent now. "Oh, dear. Are you related to Peeta Mellark?" asked my professor.

"Yes, he's my father," I answered.

"I'm a fan of his! During the Games, oh he was dreamy! And I'm sure he still is." Okay, this is getting weird. Most people admire my parents for their role in the fall of Capitol, but this is just downward crazy. My professor has a crush on my father. Not only that, she's blabbing about him in front of the class.

"That's why you look so familiar at first," she continued to babble on. "You look exactly like your mother! Brave girl, very very brave. I knew they would end up together!"

"Uh...Thank you," I said, "can I sit down now, Professor?"

"Sure, darling, sure!" she said.

I rolled my eyes on the way to my seat and Isaac was just laughing quietly. I find myself smiling. I felt relief course down through my veins. First day of class and I think I found not only just a partner, but a friend.

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