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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. My first impulse was to get up but I decided to go against it. Instead, I look at the ceiling of my room and tried recalling the events of last night. Two major events occured:

1. Isaac confessed that he's in love with me, then he kissed me. We are now officially a couple.

2. I found out that he is the great grandson of President Snow, the person who caused my parents a lot of suffering. Well, not just my parents but the whole Panem as well.

I shake my head, hoping that this action would somehow make my thoughts disappear. I feel a mixture of happiness, fear, and guilt. First, I am happy because of Isaac. Finding someone who loves you for who you are is very fulfilling. All my life I have witnessed the love between my parents, they have been together for the longest time and yet whenever they look at each other, it's as if they've just started. For me, they are the epitome of true love. I wanted to have that kind of relationship, and now I think I have found it.

I fear that my parents would forbid me to see Isaac again once they find out that he's a Snow. I mean, who could blame my father, who has been tortured and hijacked by my boyfriend's great grandfather? Then there's my mother, who was personally threatened by President Snow. My mother, whose life was marred by tragedy. Both of my parents suffered immensely due to Isaac's great grandfather, and I don't know how would they react if they knew.

Maybe they don't have to know. But guilt will eat me alive. My parents are the best in the world, and my conscience won't let me rest if I kept something this important from them.

I love Isaac, I really do. I have no issues with him being a Snow. I just feel that my parents will be the ones who will have issues against him, considering his blood line. But my parents are so much better than that, aren't they? They are not the type of people who are irrational. Surely they would understand. Or wouldn't they?

I look at the phone on my table and took hold of it. I dialed Isaac's number. Maybe he's still asleep, but I need to talk to him. I need him to calm me, to help me settle my thoughts down. It took about five rings before he answered.

"Hello?" he said groggily.

"Hi," I murmured. "Sorry to wake you up."

I guess he recognized my voice, because he suddenly sounded alert and alive, "Oh, it's okay! No worries. Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing," I said. "I'll be seeing my parents in a while." I heaved a deep sigh.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine, I promise," he said on the other line.

"I know," I said uncertainly. "I better get going, see you later."

"Alright," he replied. "I love you, Ione."

"I love you too," I said, then hung up the phone.

I did not wait long at the train station. My parents arrived on time. My mood lightened up at the sight of my parents, my brother, and to my surprise, even Uncle Haymitch. Some siblings have a love-hate relationship, but not me and Sage. We tease each other but never fight, and we're very open to each other. Maybe I can tell him about Isaac. But how? Then I suddenly thought about Uncle Haymitch, who is like a second father to me. He's definitely as fatherly and gentle as my father, but he's okay.

I wave to them, hoping they would catch my attention. Sage turned his head and saw me. I couldn't help but run towards them. My mother welcomed me with open arms. My father would do the same but his hands are full with luggage. My brother approached us and hugged us both, I ruffled his hair and noticed that we're the same height now.

"You've grown!" I exclaimed. "He's almost taller than me!" I tell my parents.

Our place is not far from the train station so we decided to walk which means we will have to pass by the President's mansion. I saw my father cringe at the sight of the mansion, my mother didn't even look but I could see sadness in her eyes. My brother and Uncle Haymitch seem oblivious. My parents have a good relationship with President Paylor but they try to avoid the mansion as much as possible.

When we arrived at our house, I let my parents rest and settle down for a bit. We have plenty of time to talk later. I go to the terrace to get some air.

"Hello, sweetheart," a familiar voice said. I didn't turn to look at him, but he knows I'm listening.

"Hi Uncle Haymitch," I said as he stood beside me.

"You're very much like your mother," he started.

I smiled. "So I've heard," I commented.

"Well except for the fact that I wasn't fond of her at first. Your father was my favorite, always have and always will be, but Katniss grew on me eventually..." he said. I wonder why he's telling me this, but it seems interesting so I decided to pay attention.

"Well, their both good people, so no reason not to love them. My mother just gives less crap to what other people think. I mean, compared to my father, that is," I said. 

"Yes your father can be very self-righteous," he agreed. I nodded. "So how are you faring?" he asked.

I stop for a while and think if I should tell him. Maybe I shouldn't. But I trust him. "Can I ask for an advice, Uncle Haymitch?"

"Sure," he said. "But if it's about girl stuff, then I'm afraid I have no use for you."

"There's this boy…" I whispered. 

"Uh-oh, boy problems! I've had enough of that with your mother," he interjected. I stared at him helplessly, then he said, "Okay sorry, let's have it."

"This is serious," I tell him.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant!" he said, eyes wide.

"No I'm not, we only became a couple last night," I defended myself. I couldn't help but blush though.

"Congratulations. So you don't know how to introduce him to your parents, is that it?" he guessed.

"Well, yes. And there's another thing," I said. "He's President Snow's great grandson."

I could tell that Uncle Haymitch was shocked. He didn't speak for a moment, and focused his gaze into the horizon. He sighed.

"He killed my mother and brother," he said. "Even Tabitha, the girl I loved." I could see pain in his eyes, something you don't normally see. This isn't helping at all. Then he continued, "But this boyfriend of yours, he's not his great grandfather. He shouldn't be blamed for what his predecessor has done."

"Do you think my mom and dad will think that too?" I asked. "Should I tell them?"

He pondered for a while then said, "Your father will see sense. It will be difficult for him to accept this, but he's good-natured and rational. I'm not saying that your mother is not good-natured, but I'm also not saying that she's the forgiving type. Don't forget that both of them lost their loved ones because of Snow."

"I know it won't be easy," I said. One thing about Uncle Haymitch, he doesn't sugarcoat. He's very straight to the point. "So what do I do now?"

"I don't know either, sweetheart. But you should tell your parents about him while it's still early," he answered. "For me, I have no problems with this boy of yours. As long as he will love you like how your father loves your mother. But you're not my child, so…let's just hope for the best."

"Will you help me? Back me up? Help them see sense if all else fails?" I asked desperately.

"Of course," he said. "Does he look like Snow?"

"No, he doesn't." I've only seen President Snow in pictures, and except for the blond hair, fair skin, and red lips, he and Isaac have nothing in common.

"Then I root for him," he winked, then went back inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2012 ⏰

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