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It's three o'clock in the morning, and I'm still wide awake. I feel so restless, I walk back and forth, back and forth. How long has she been there? Ten hours? Why is it taking so long?

"For God's sake, Peeta! Stop pacing will you?" Haymitch said, annoyed. "I get so dizzy just by watching you!"

"Oh, sorry," I apologized. "She's been there for so long, don't you think?"

"You know your girl is stubborn, perhaps she's trying to hold back the baby just for the sake of defying those doctors," he said, laughing.

At five o'clock yesterday afternoon, I had to rush Katniss to the hospital because she has been experiencing contractions. They had to put her in a secluded room to monitor her, and nobody is allowed to see her until they figure out if she's experiencing signs of labor. She isn't due until the week after next, so Dr Amantha wanted to make sure that the contractions are not false alarm. Even I am not allowed to visit her, which makes it more difficult for me.

I hate feeling helpless. It's been ten hours, ten agonizing hours. This is killing me. They told me they would call me once the doctor has given her signal, so I could accompany my wife during labor. But no one has done it yet. I smile at the thought of Katniss being so stubborn that she doesn't want our baby to come out just to spite her doctors.

The past nine months haven't been easy for both of us. Katniss would usually get morning sickness, she rarely goes to the apothecary shop because she feels sick and always sleepy. Her mood swings are erratic, sometimes she would be sweet to me then afterwards she turns into this cranky woman. Her taste when it comes to food changed too, she won't eat what she normally does. It's difficult for me to just go along, but whenever I watch her, I know that whatever difficulties I'm having, hers are the worst. Because of the turn of events, we had to hire someone to man the shop and the bakery. I don't get to man the bakery because I couldn't leave Katniss alone. Good thing Greasy Sae has a lot of grandchildren that we could trust.

I was too caught up with my thoughts that I didn't hear the sound of my name being called. It took the nurse three times before I looked at her. "Mr Mellark, it's time."

My heart is pounding. My whole life flashed in front of me, and I'm not even dying. In just a few hours, I will be a father. I instructed myself to calm down, because I know that Katniss will be in so much pain, and I need to be strong for her. She needs my support, and really, what good would it be if I fainted? There's not much point of me standing here, being that someone who she can draw strength from, if I pass out even before her labor starts.

I followed the nurse inside the room where Katniss was. There were about five people surrounding her, walking around, preparing medical things that I know nothing about. I focus on Katniss, who is laying there, eyes closed in pain. "Hey," I murmured, then kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes. Despite the pain she was in, she managed to give me a smile.

I just stood beside her bed, stroking her hair, not trying to make a conversation because it might decrease her energy. She took my right hand using her free hand, and kissed it. "I'm glad you're here," she said weakly.

"Okay, we will now start," announced Dr Amantha. There is a sense of urgency in her voice.

"Stay with me?" Katniss whispered, her gray eyes staring right into mine.

I held her hand and put it in my cheek. "Always."

Then the rest was history. The doctors started instructing her to push, and push, and push. It was a blur afterwards, because I just concentrated on Katniss, only Katniss. It went on for about three hours, not bad. Next thing I know, I could hear a baby crying, and when I looked, Dr Amantha was holding something upside down, covered in dark red blood, and wriggling around. "Oh, what a beautiful baby," she said, her voice full of emotions. "Congratulations, it's a girl!"

No words can express how I felt at that moment. Happiness, relief, joy, pride, and overflowing love for our daughter. As the nurses took the baby to clean her, I turned to Katniss and said, "Did you hear that? We have a daughter." My tears are falling, and I wasn't even ashamed.

"Yes, I heard…where is she? Can I see her?" she said urgently. She looked so drained, drenched in a mixture of sweat and tears.

"They're just giving her a bath," I said. "She's still covered in blood."

"Here she is!" One of the nurses approached us holding the baby, all swathed in pink blanket. She placed the bundle carefully in Katniss' arms. I take a look at our child for the first time. Dark hair, red lips, rosy skin, pink cheeks…undoubtedly she is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen in my entire life. And I'm not saying this just because she's my daughter. She looks so much like her mother.

Katniss was just staring at her, with one finger tracing the outline of our daughter's face. She looked at me and said, "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

"Indeed, she is," I answered. "So what shall we name her?"

"Hmmm…" she said, "I think Ione would be nice."

Ione. Beautiful and unique, just like our daughter.

"The name Ione is perfect," I agreed. "I thought you would name her after Prim."

For a moment I thought her mood would change, but it didn't. She sighed, "No, I wouldn't name her Prim. As much as I love my sister, she's part of a past that I would like to forget. Our daughter, she symbolizes a new beginning, new hope, and a brighter future ahead. So much like you, for me, the dandelion who gave me hope back when I had none."

I kissed her, then Ione. "She looks like you," I tell her.

"She looks like you too, just look at those cheeks!" she exclaimed.

I just stand there, looking at my wife and my first-born baby. Life couldn't be more perfect.

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