Chapter Three

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"Sakura?" Shinobu said, knocking on the door. "Sayuri says to hurry up or else we're going to be late!"

There was a loud grumble from inside the room, and the thumping of footsteps before Sakura flung the door open - already dressed and packed. She barely gave her sister a glance as she headed to the kitchen, her sister tailing behind her.

"Morning, Sakura-chan!" Sayuri said, rumbling through her purse for the car keys. "Want me to give you a ride with Shinobu today? It'd save you the trouble of commuting to school."

Sakura scoffed down a rice ball from the kitchen bench, briefly glancing at her Sayuri''s large, pregnant belly. "You shouldn't be driving in your condition," she said offhandedly.

Her stepmother shrugged. "It gives me something to do, but I guess you'd turn down my offer anyways... seeing as you already have plans to walk to school with your friends, ne?"

Sakura's head snapped up as she looked at Sayuri incredulously. "What?"

"Ino and Naruto have been waiting for you-" Sayuri said, as Sakura and Shinobu raced to the living room, where both blondes were sitting by the television.

They looked up when Sakura coughed loudly, staring at them with raised eyebrow and arms folded across her chest.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Sakura said. 

"The idiot and I thought we'd walk to school with you today," Ino said, "whether you'd want it or not, we're gonna be sticking to you like glue. Oh hey, Shinobu!"

Sakura turned to see her sister's head peeking out from the doorway, who shyly walked over and waved to them both. She blushed when Naruto wrapped an arm around her shoulder and began ruffling her hair, much to her embarrassment.

"N-Naruto-senpai, stop that!" she said, giggling as she struggled underneath his hold, "th-that tickles! St-stop!"

Ino sighed. "Hey, idiot - cut that out will you," she said, "we better leave before Ibiki gives us another tardy slip again. Hey Sakura - where are you going?"

But the pink-haired girl had already scarpered out of the house, only seconds after Ino and Naruto  scrambled out after her. Sayuri was still searching for her keys when Shinobu popped back into the kitchen, coyly fiddling with her fingers. 

"Sayuri-san, I... I'm sorry but think I'll might skip on that ride today," Shinobu said, fiddling with her hair, "if that's okay with you?"

Sayuri laughed. "Of course it is! I'm sure Naruto-kun won't mind as well," she added, waggling her eyes as Shinobu's face flushed a bright shade of red.

"Hey Shinobu, you coming or what?" Ino's voice hollered from the outside hallway.

Shinobu was mouthing to Sayuri to not say a word before she sped towards the door. "C-Coming!"


Sakura scowled, wondering what felony had she committed to be given such a torturous punishment of being wedged between both Naruto and Ino. Was this the universe's idea of a wake-up call for her - having these two blond loudmouth constantly bickering into her ear?

It had only been under an hour since she was stuck on the train and main road with them, but with their incessant twittering - it felt like an eternity since she had any semblance of peace. Not even blaring her music through her earphones seemed to work, as if both Naruto and Ino had become human megaphones in her absence.

God what the hell are they yabbering about now, Sakura thought to herself, scowling.

"No I am telling you, Neji totally wants to get into Tenten's pants!" Naruto said, indignant as Ino clicked her tongue in disagreement. "Did you see the way he was acting at yesterday's track meet?"

Something Beautiful (Naruto AU Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang