chapter fifty-nine

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chapter fifty-nine
[anya rose steinburg]
shawn dozes off at around 6 that night, and i manage to wriggle myself away from his arms to grab my phone. i decide on calling up his mum, to you know, see if anything is wrong.

dialling up her number, i press the phone to my ear, letting it ring a few times, before she answers.

"anya dear, how are you?" she chirps, as a small smile comes on my face.

"i'm great, how are you, karen?" i ask back, as she responds with a good.

"so, why did you call?" she chuckles, as i sigh, looking around my flat.

"i can call you back i you're busy-"

"nonsense, i'm not doing anything right now." she shakes off, as i smile again softly, taking a breath.

"is shawn okay? like is he actually okay?" i ask her quietly. "we had a really long talk today and he's scared of so many things, karen. i'm worried for him."

"i'm sure it's nothing serious, i mean he has been slightly stressed recently, but he's looking okay." she says. "what is he worried about honey?"

"oh, uh, our relationship, and me, and his feelings towards me." i bite my lip, leaning on the counter and looking at his sleeping figure.

"oh dear, maybe try and ask him why, has anything happened?" she asks me, concerned.

"i mean we had a little falling out, but it wasn't big. i'm just worried that when we get on tour he's gonna be, what's the word, slightly off?" i explain, sitting at one of the bar stools. "i'm really worried about him."

"he wouldn't want you worrying anya, don't worry too much." karen sympathises.

"i know, i know, i just can't help to feel like some of it is my fault, i mean i am the other person in the relationship." i explain, trailing my eyes to shawn.

"neither of you are to blame, somehow this is how certain relationships work, and maybe yours works like this." she says.

"but it's not healthy." i frown. "we always fight, or worry about our love for each other, or scream at each other for no apparent reason." i look down. "i hate it so much."

"i know it seems hard but shawn loves you so much, it's weird to think he doesn't love you, because he's head over heels in love with you." she says, making me blush slightly. "i have to go, aaliyah needs picking up from her friends place."

"oh, okay, tell her i say hi, and thank you so much for talking to me karen." i say, thankful.

"it was my pleasure, and don't worry too much, okay?" she asks me. "hopefully i'll see you soon, keep well."

"you too, and i'll see you soon." i hang up my phone, placing it back on the counter, and standing up from the stool, walking towards shawn. i see he could be a little bit cold, so i rush to my room, grabbing a duvet and coming back into the living room, draping it over shawns frame.

i curl up on one of the armchairs, looking at him, sighing. how could someone so amazing be thinking of things to make them upset?

he stays asleep for another hour, before he wakes up, confused at why a duvet is over him.

"hey, you looked cold so i got you a duvet." i say, standing up from the armchair, stretching slightly, and walking over to him.

"oh, thank you." he yawns, stretching out on the seat. "why didn't you wake me up?"

"you looked like you needed to sleep." i shrug, sitting next to him, as he removes the duvet from him slightly, so it's on me too.

"what have you been doing for the past hour then?" he chuckles nervously, wrapping an arm around me.

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