Lightening Storm

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The first week had been good.
Even after the rather dramatic first night, Dazai and Chuuya had slowly gotten used to each other and their traits, no matter how unnoticeable they may have been before.
Dazai noticed that when Chuuya thought him and Kouyuou weren't looking, he would climb on top of the counter on tip-toes to get to the packet of sweets that he was too short to reach.
Chuuya noticed that Dazai would often write small stories in a notebook he kept in his trouser pocket at all time, and if Chuuya made any indication that he was looking, Dazai would quickly hide it and walk away.

The two were becoming good friends.

However, there was one thing that Dazai hadn't noticed about Chuuya: Chuuya was terrified of thunder storms.
Thunder, lightening, even if rain sounded too heavy against the window he would find it unbearable. He had managed to keep it from Dazai, but the weather reports were making him feel anxious that he would find out and laugh at him.


Aku and Gin were sitting in Chuuya's room, while Dazai was with Kouyou coming home from shopping.
"So, is he nice?" Aku asked, examining the layout of Dazai's bed as though it would tell him everything about the guy.
"He's alright. Has a thing about teasing people, though. Can be a right jerk, but he's good." Chuuya replied, helping Gin tie her hair into a tight ponytail.
"What do you mean: "Teasing?" " Aku demanded, his eyes shooting up.
"Nothing bad. Just the occasional name or comment."
"Tell us if it gets out of hand. We don't want you to start getting bullied by this guy." Gin said, checking for any loose strands in a hand mirror.
Chuuya switched his phone on and scrolled aimlessly through his calendar. "He isn't bad. But thanks anyway."
"What's with the bandages?" Aktugawa continued, standing up and heading to where the pale material was strewn in a corner. "He some kind of doctor?"
"Actually..." Chuuya mumbled, fiddling with a piece of hair that had been hanging near his eye.
Why did he have bandages all the time?
Before he had a chance to say he didn't know, Aku had thankfully bolted to Gin to help pull out the ponytail, which had been too tight for her.
"Oh, sorry about that. I'm not great with ponytails." Chuuya went over to help, grateful that they could change the subject. If Chuuya said he didn't know, Aku would probably make assumptions about Dazai that would keep him up at night.

"We's better go." Said Gin, smoothing down her hair and picking up her bag.
"Yeah, Atsushi's coming over to watch a film with me." Aku agreed, picking up his own bag as all three made their way downstairs towards the front door.
"Atsushi?" Chuuya asked. The name rang a bell, he even heard Dazai mention him a couple of times, but he didn't know who he was.
"Oh, he's a pretty fresh face in the village, but I think him and the Dazai-guy are childhood friends or something. They must have been separated when Mori took Dazai in." Gin explained, giving Chuuya a hug and stepping outside.
"Okay. See you two on Monday!" Chuuya called out as his two friends walked into the drizzly night air.

Chuuya turned on the TV. Since Kouyou and Dazai weren't back, he felt kinda bored. The weather channel was the first thing to flicker onto the screen, and Chuuya's heart stopped.
There was a thunder storm due for that night.
And Chuuya was alone.

Dazai sat in the car with Kouyou as the radio played quietly in the background of their conversation.
He found her a rather intimidating but caring woman, and had enjoyed a rather good evening out doing shopping.
Kouyou was talking about what the traditional teashop she worked at was like, when she stopped mid-sentence.
"What's wrong?" Dazai asked, watching her as her fingers drummed on the steering wheel.
"Hang on a second." She said stiffly, turning up the radio.
"And tonight, there shall be some rather violent weather. Thunderstorms are spreading across the whole country due to the humid weather lately, so expect some frequent lightening and heavy rain."
"Damn it." Kouyou muttered, speeding up and taking a shortcut back to the house. "Even with the shortcut it'll take half an hour to get back."
Dazai was thoroughly confused.
What was happening?

The first flash of lightening flooded the house, soon followed by a low rumble of distant thunder. It was already so terrifying for Chuuya, but he knew that it was still far away.
He was curled up in a ball in his wardrobe, all of the lights on and a book by his side just to keep his mind off of things. He wasn't even reading it, it was just a comforting object.

"Chuuya's scared of thunderstorms?" Dazai asked, rather surprised since Chuuya always tried to act as strong as he could.
"Yes. It's not as bad when someone's with him, but on his own it is terrible. It's an awful fear to have, Dazai. I hope you understand that."
"Yes." Dazai said, worried about his friend. "Yes, I do."
The weather man on the radio's voice suddenly came back into the car, and the Dazai and Kouyou stiffened.
"Now it looks like the mass thunderstorms are leading to some blackouts across the southern areas, so keep some candles ready in ca-" Kouyou switched off the radio and sped up.

He was hyperventilating. The lights were out and the thunder storm was closer, nearly at their area now.
He was crying and was scared.
The crashes of thunder and bright bursts of lightening were piling on-top of him, and the sound of heavy rainfall was pushing him further and further into himself.
He wanted Kouyou. He wanted Dazai.

Kouyou and Dazai finally pulled up at the driveway and Kouyou almost choked when she saw the darkness through the windows.
"Lets hurry." She said, opening the door quickly and storming inside. "Chuuya!"
There was no answer.
There was broken glass and even some blood on the floor.
Dazai quickly ran upstairs, bursting into Chuuya's room and looking through the darkness for some kind of familiar silouhuette. Then a flash of lightening illuminated the room, and Dazai saw no sign of anyone. It was empty.
"Dazai! Is he up there!" Kouyou called, her voice dry and worried.
"No!" Dazai croaked back. Could he have run away? Was he alright? Was he back at someone else's house?
Dazai was worried and was racing around the house, looking everywhere for Chuuya.
Kouyou was sitting on a chair in the living room, her head in her hands as though she were thinking of where the boy could be.
And with every crash of thunder coming closer, the more drastic they became.

"K-k-k..." Chuuya could barely speak, he was in tears in his wardrobe, and even though he had heard Dazai and Kouyou come home at last, he couldn't call out the them. He heard Dazai look around right outside of his hiding place, but he nearly immediately left.
"I-i-i'm..." He whimpered. "H-h-h-h-here."
Another lightening flash and roll thunder surrounded Chuuya, making his mind ache and the world spin.
"I'm here!"

Don't worry this will carry on tomorrow, but it was really late when I was writing this so had to hurry to bed. I hope you like this part so far!

Soukoku: Country ChildrenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz