Epilogue || Hoseok Ending

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I walk down the empty road, not really knowing where I'm headed. I had just run out from the hospital after the Miller twins annoyed me with their arguing. Honestly, those twins are a handful, but I like being with them anyways. I sigh as my white converse kick a few rocks in my path. I wonder if they're looking for me. They probably are, knowing them.

They're both so alike and both so different. They look alike, but they don't act alike. One is charming, funny, and outgoing while the other is rude, obnoxious, and a badboy. I don't understand how I can like them both. I shake my head trying to push away those thoughts.

"Why do you keep shaking your head?" A voice asks from behind. I glance up to see Hosung standing there with a raised eyebrow. "You pretending to be a bobble head or something?"

"No, it's just..... nevermind," I respond with a sigh. He gave a short nod as he approaches me. "So, where's Hoseok?"

"Who cares?" He asks with a shrug, "You have me." Uh...... ok then. That's a little.... straightforward.

"Well, I care. I mean, he has a concussion. Is he ok?" I ask worriedly. This seems to make him frown as he stands right in front of me.

"Why are you always worried about him? I love you! I found you first! Why are you still worried about him?!" He asks angrily as he grabs my arms firmly, "Didn't you hear him?! He said that he's giving up his feelings for you so that you can be with me! Be with me Y/N! He doesn't love you! I do!"

"Hosung! Let go!" I exclaim, my arms beginning to sting from his tight grip, but he doesn't let go. In fact, his grip only tightens. "Hosung! Ow! Let go! Please let go! You're hurting me!" His eyes are filled with rage the more I continue to struggle.

"What about our promise?! You promised me! Why? How could you break our promise?!" He growls as pushes me against a building wall. I try to push back against his chest, but he's too strong.

"Hosung! Stop it!" I protest as I manage to let one of my arms go loose and I take that opportunity to bring my hand up before slapping him across the face. His head turns to the side, but he doesn't even flinch. He uses one of his hands to rub his cheek, but his expression darkens and he glares at me. Uh oh. "Hosung, just let me go please."

"Hosung! That's enough! Let her go!" A voice calls out from behind him. I peek over to see Hoseok standing there with narrowed eyes at his brother. Hosung grumbles as he lets me go and faces his brother. The brothers glare at each other menacingly.

"You said that you were going to give her to me! Why are you interfering?!" Hosung asks as he shoots daggers at his brother. His brother eyes him.

"I did say that, but if our arguments have taught me anything then that is that no matter how nice I try to be to you, you won't ever appreciate it," Hoseok remarks through gritted teeth, "Why should I have to give up my feelings for someone who won't even appreciate it?!" Hosung's glare deepens. "Just go home Hosung. Before you scare or hurt Y/N anymore than you already have." Hosung huffs as he shoots Hoseok another glare before storming away. Once he's gone, I collapse to the ground. "Y/N." Hoseok makes his way over to me and kneels before me. His arms are open wide for me and I gladly throw myself into them, sobbing at the pain and the fear of how his brother just acted. "It's ok. You're safe now."

"Hoseok, I'm so sorry that you ended up in the hospital," I apologize as I clutch to him.

"Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault," he responds as he holds me tightly, "I'm just glad that you're ok. I promised myself that even when I was ignoring you that I would make sure that nothing happened to you. I kept my promise."

"Thank you Hoseok," I thank him as I hug him tighter, "I don't know what I would have done if you didn't wake up."

"Heh, I'm strong. I can survive something like that," he comments jokingly as he pets my head gently, "Anyways, I'm sorry for the way Hosung acted just now. He must have scared you."

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