Fall of The Mockingjay

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My mother brushed my brown hair back into braid. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was going to volunteer for whoever was reaped. The last three years of the Games were, interesting. In last one, my brother was murdered by a guy from district 2. He ended up winning. That's why I had to volunteer. My mother thought I was able to avenge my brothers death.

"There. All done beautiful," my mother patted my head.

"Ma, are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked

She turned me around in my chair. "Your brother was so close. I know you'll win," she forced a smile onto her face.

"But if I dont," I shook my head, and looked at my feet, "You'll be all alone."

She forced a laugh, "Don't talk like that, I know you're going to win. Your so talented Ellsia."

I felt my braid go down my back. I was about to protest, but didn't. It would only make my mother mad. I remembered Katniss Everdeen from district 12 who won the 74th Games. Then again, in the 75th, they tried an escape plan, and were taken by the captiol. Who knows where they are today.

I stood from my mothers vanity. My father had left her when I was born to go work in the capitol. I have no memories of him at all. My brother would be 16 this year. He was 15 when he went into the games. Just like me.

I remember watching his death. I remember it being so life like even when I was only watching it at home. Going into the games I knew that theres one thing that I for sure have to do. I have kill both the tributes from district 2 in order to avenge my brother.

As long as I kill those two tributes, I'm good. I will have avenged my brother and if I die. My mother will be happy. Won't she?

I heard girls going all googley eyed over Trek. Trek was like the hottie of the district. Sure, let's say that. He never had dated any girl, and who knows which girl would someday date him. He didn't show a liking to anyone honestly. I obviously didn't like him, but he always talked to me. A horn pulled me out of my thoughts.

I pulled pn my shoes and waved to my mother. She waved back and blew a kiss. She wasn't coming out. She hates watching the reapings, the families getting torn apart from one of their children. She will only watch district 6's live on our television. Just to see if either my brother or I got reaped. Which happened last year.

She loved my brother and I dearly, but she would never visit us in the justice building if we were reaped. Like last year, and this year. I knew that this would be the last time I saw her ever again.

I had a small skill for the games. I could throw knives, and I have and okay shot with a bow. My brother's friend had taught him these, and he taught them to me the year before I turned 12, all the way to my first games. Just incase.

I ran towards our justice building, and I saw girls that were sad to be leaving Trek. Last year, the girl tribute cried because she knew she would never be with Trek. I stood inline and waited for a name to be pulled. I had to volunteer, I had to volunteer.

Our escort, Aila Court, stood with her blood red hair on the stage, she wore a large smile. I wasn't paying much attention, but I saw our mentor, Ira Janel, sit on a chair on the stage. She was now 20, and won when she was 13. She was mentally stable, maybe the only mentally stable mentor around.

I listened carefully. "Ladies first!" called out Aila in a peppy tone. She stirred her hand around the glass box before pulling out a name. I held my breath, I was about to shout out that I volunteered. Like Katniss. "Ellsia Wintroe!" I froze. I was reaped. I didn't need to volunteer. I was reaped.

I made my way onto the stage and stood there. Aila studied me. "Wasn't your brother reaped last year?" she asked "Anston?" I nodded my head, my expression was blank.

"Now to the boys!" she walked over to the box. She stirred her hand longer in this one. "Nero Lemont!" she said into the microphone. I scanned the crowd. I didn't know who he was, when I saw Trek shout; "I volunteer!"

Girls gasped, some cried, some screamed telling him to not go. Peacekeepers ushered Trek up the stage, keeping girls off of him. Some girls started saying they'd volunteer for me, but Aila said that volunteering was now over. It was time for us to be put into the justice building.

Trek and I shook hands, as per usual. Our faces were both expressionless. As we were ushered into the building Trek looked at me, then back to his feet where his eyes had originally been. Why would he of everyone, volunteer?

I sat in the justice building, emotionless. Going over thoughts. When a girl walked in. She was mysterious, wearing a hood. Not showing her face.

"Ellsia," she muttered

"Hello?" I asked.

"You have to save Katniss. Lost in the capitol, she is. You must find her, please. 13 is counting on you,"

"13? Who's 13?" I asked.

"I must go, they might capture me. Good bye Ellsia, good bye." she said, leaving.

Well, that was wierd. Then the peacekeepers grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me to the train station. My eyes examined the majestic train. Where the engine was, the way it moved, etcetera. After all, we lived in district 6. It was one of the things we studied in school.

Aila ushered us onto the train. Trek looked down the whole time, even when we were on the train. Aila showed us our rooms, but then we soon ate supper. Even then, Trek was still looking down.

"Trek, can you explain to me why you volunteered?" asked Ira.

"I volunteered because... I can't explain it here. I can't," he replied

"It's okay, just wondering." she paused. "Now, we need a plan for the games. You got any ideas?" she asked us.

I shook my head. I could tell Trek had though of something. "How about this. Oh, I'd have to discuss this with you alone Ira." What was with Trek? He was totally calm before the games. He was always calm and relaxed but then he just starts acting all shy all of a sudden.

I excused myself to go to change and sleep. Nobody said a word until my door clicked shut. I could hear them talk immediately. I was so confused. They were trying to pull some trick, I think.

I had a shower. As the water patted against my head, I tried to grab a shampoo bottle. I forgot I wasn't at home and by then it was too late. I fell onto my butt.

I tried to stand, but soon sat back down. My butt didn't hurt but my foot did. I examined it, but saw nothing. My vision started to cloud due to the water flowing in, and the tears trying to escape.

I was able to shut off the water, but didn't end up getting out for the next 10 minutes. I leaned on the wall, and wrapped myself in a towel. I sat on my bed and dried off, then hopped over and got pajamas. I sat back on my bed while putting them on.

I hopped out of my room and saw Aila sitting by a television. She snapped her head to me, and saw I was leaning on the frame of the door.

"What happened?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

"I fell," I muttered.

"Speak up hon," she said, her gaze returning to the television.

"I fell," I repeated louder.

She got up, "Fell how?"

"In the shower," I said

"That would explain your wet hair. Come on, let's head to the infirmary." she came to my side and helped me into another car.

The nurse sat me down. She examined my foot, and then gently bandaged it with two tensor bandages, then handed me crutches.

"Go easy on it, and you should be fine for the games." said the nurse pushing us out the door.

I followed Aila back to the first car and watched the rest of the reapings. I saw 9 to 12 so the competitors didn't look threatening.

When it was over, I stood and silently went back to my room. I sat the crutches beside my bed, and laid down. I debated on whether or not to take off the bandage, and I didn't.

I laid in bed staring at my ceiling before I fell asleep ontop of the covers. I didn't dream that night. I rarely did.

Fall of The MockingjayWhere stories live. Discover now