Chapter 5

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I lay there helplessly waiting for morning. The shields are back up, and I have no where to hide. I have no food, and no way to start a fire.

I am finally able to stand up, even with the immense pain still there. I trudge over to the cornicopia to see if there are any bags left. There are none, but when I go inside the cornicopia, a voice booms over the speakers.

"Congratualtions to our victor, Ellsia Wintroe of district 6!"

Winner? What did he mean winner? I couldn't have won, all the others escaped. Or did they? All this confusion and panicing made me pass out.

I woke up in a white, bright room. Roren's locket was hung over my neck. I looked around sheepishly but saw no one. I sat up and waited for someone to come find me, or to notice that I was awake.

I curled up in a ball when my mother walked in and envelopped me in a hug. "So tell me, what happened during the blackout. Did you kill anyone else?"

"No, I just hid and everyone killed each other." I replied.

"I'm just so happy you won!" she said, and I passed out.

I woke up and I was back in 6, but in victors village. Rorens locket was on the side table in my room and an envolope adressed to me sat waiting. I opened it, and all that was on it was this;

Save. Capitol. 13.

I shook my head and stuffed it into the drawer that was allready filled with some of my clothes.

I put on Roren's locket and went downstairs. My mom looked at the locket around my neck. "Where did you get that?"

"I, uh, got it from this guy I like. In the games," I replied.

"Well he's dead now. I guess you want to melt it and sell it now, right?" she asked.

I gripped the locket tight.  "No!" I screamed.

Her brows furrowed and she gave me a stern look. She went back to peeling potatoes.

I sat down at the table and examined the locket. It was beautiful and I cheriched it. Someone knocked on the door and my mother told me to go answer it. I did and it was two men in uniform.

"Is your mother there?" one of them asked. I nodded my head and called for my mother. She came to the door and they had something to announce.

"Ellsia Wintroe, you are under Capitol arrest for stealing." said the other man.

The first man came over and cuffed my hands behind my back. My mother started to cry, but didn't oppose the men. I even felt tears starting to fall down my cheeks. I didn't know what I had stolen for that matter.

I was pushed abord a train, much much different than the train to the games. I was pushed to my knees and I had to stay like that for hours on end. I cryed silently and waited for this to end.

This train moved much faster than the train I rode to the capitol for the games. I knew that as we were there in hours.

I was ushered into a holding cell once in the capitol. They took the cuffs off, and closed the door. As soon as the two men were gone, a voice startled me.

"Why did you do that Ellsia?" It was Crucius.

"I did nothing. You were the people who left me behind," I scoffed.

"Ah, sure." said Ronaween from the darkness.

"Who's all here?" I asked.

"Everyone," Trek replied.

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