Chapter 2

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The next few days of preparation went by fast. I was dazed most of the time, and my stylists wern't helping. They never spoke, which discouraged me.

The day of the interviews, I finally found out our plan.

Trek went first, and he gave a small smile to the audience. Ceaser sat him down to begin.

"Trek, we all know your the ladies man of District 6, so then why did you volunteer?" he asked

"Well Ceaser you know I do love the girls surrounding me 24/7, but there's one girl who's never done that with me, and well you'd have to understand that Ellsia's that girl. I've always had a crush on her, honestly." Trek replied. I stared at the screen in horror. I hit the wall multiple times. What was he talking about he liked me? What was he trying to do, be Peeta? He was obviously going to get us killed! I was going to kill him before I kill those damn careers because he said that!

I didn't listen to the rest of the interview I was so mad. When they called my name, I put on the biggest smile and stepped on stage. I bet you can guess what Ceaser's first question was.

"Ellsia, do you like anything about Trek?"

"No, not at all. For my whole life he's been a total jerk towards me and my friends," I replied.

"And what were your thoughts when he said that he likes you?"

"I didn't know, honestly. The guy who all the girls screamed over liked me, and I was astonsihed."

"Do you like anyone back home?"

"Uh, no I guess not." I replied.

"That's all we have for district six folks!-" I don't remember anything up until now.

I am in a hunger games arena.

Careers surround me.

I see my knives.

The game begins in...











The horn blows and I'm immediately off my pedestal. I'm ahead of everyone, and I know I have to get those knives. I grab them, just as another girl, Lana, grabbed a bow and a sheath of arrows.

I grabbed another random bag as I ran away from her and the blood shed. She shot me in the leg, but my extrememe adrenaline kept me running. As soon as I got to the forest, I hid in a small hole. The pain of the arrow started to sink in. I yanked it out before it could do anymore damage. Lana had followed me into the forest.

"She got away," she muttered, and continued on. As soon as her back was turned I jumped on her. She screamed and cried. I pulled out a knife, and with my teeth gritted, I slit her forehead.

Nobody really knows this, but since blood flows all the way around her head to get into you eyes, cutting one on the forehead will cause death if not immediately treated.

I ran away from her as she pulled another arrow, shot and missed. Shot one more time and missed. I took a sharp turn and ran into someone. I fell onto the groun and when I got up, 5 people were staring me right in the face.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it our friend who scored a 10. I scored a ten too you know, and I could kill you right now." said Crucius

"Do it!" hissed Astrid

"Shut up," he hit her. "But I'm not going to. Because I'm nice, I'm going to let you off with a little present." he smiled an evil grin as he stabbed my leg. "Now run off, before I change my mind."

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, checking over my back every step of the way. Crucius just stood there with his eveil grin still painted across his face.

That's when a canon fired off, then 4 more. 5 people down, 19 to go. BAM. Sorry, 18.

I climbed a tree only to find a girl allready fast asleep in it. It was Lily from district 8. This poor, innocent girl. Half of my concious told me to kill her, the other half to just leave her. I drew a knife and slit her rists. She woke up and screamed, that forced me to jump and run. She thre rocks at me, none even coming close to me. When I finally decided I was done, through pain and agony, I climbed another tree.


That was Lily's death being announced, I think.

I climbed as high as the tree would let me before I started to unpack the bag. Two more knives, an all purpose knife, a blanket, a water filter, and a cantine.

I laid the blanket around me, and tried to fall asleep when the anthom came on. It showed the 6 dead tributes. Lily, Lana, Grace, Vedran, Andrew, and Everett. After, when it was over, I allowed myself to drift off into sleep.

When I woke up, both my legs were in full out pain. I couldn't leave the tree. I took a look at them. My left leg, the one Lana had shot an arrow into, looked fine. My right leg was a different story. Puss surronded the walls of the wound, and dried blood caked the whole wound. It was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen in my whole life.

That's when I heard it. Somebody had sponsored me.

The little parachute floated down. I reached out to grab it, and barely missed it. It landed on the ground and I couldn't reach it. I hoped it was pain reliever, or something like that, so I had to go down and retrieve it.

When a twig snapped.

I scanned the area, for someone. I saw nothing, then I saw Roren from district 9. He saw the little parachute and picked it up. He examined it when he looked up.

"This yours?" he asked me.

I looked at him with fierce eyes, I examined him, his every movement. He smiled up at me. He seemed generally nice.

"Yes," I replied with gritted teeth. Not because I was angry, because of the pain.

"Here," he said as he climbed up the tree and handed her the parachute. "I'm Roren, Roren Yortz. Pleased to meet you," he stuck his hand out to shake. Reluctantly, I took it.

"Ellsia Wintroe," I said.

"I know we just met, but... Alliance?" he asked me.

"Alliance," I said back to him. Roren seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and I was curious about him. He undid the parachute and handed me the cream. I read the note attached to it.

'Mornin'! Someone liked you appearantly and sent you this. You best use it wisely.


I muttered a thanks and applied the cream to both wounds. They immediately cooled off and felt better. I applied a bit more and then covered my legs back up.

"Who gave those to you?" asked Roren.

"Lana, district 5, and Crucius." I replied.

"Ouch," he replied when I noticed he had a gash down his arm. I grabbed it and applied some of the cream to it. "You didn't need to do that," he told me.

"You had a cut, and you just sat there watching me heal. That was awfully rude of me," I said

"Thanks," he said.

"No problem," I replied, laying my head against the tree. He did the same, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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