Chapter 4

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I awoke to no one around me. There was a message in the dirt. "Fishing, you're on guard." I sat up and saw some berries for breakfast. I inspected them to make sure they wern't poisonous. As far as I could tell, they were normal everyday berries. I out a few into my mouth and the rest I popped into my bag. Maybe Roren would come find me again.

I sat at the little camp for an hour when I heard some noise. Trek came into my sight. I pulled out my knives and threatened to throw one.

"Truce, truce!" he shouted.

"No," I hissed.

"What, are you too greedy to share?"

"This isn't mine, it belongs to the careers. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I've been trying to find you since the beginning of the games," he replied.

"Well, I want to know why you said what you-" I was interupted by a twig snapping. "Go, now. Unless you want to die," As soon as I said that Trek was off. Crucius sprinted over.

"Did you see someone?" he asked.

"No. Someone's taunting us, I think."

"I agree. We should move camp somewhere else," he said.

"Stay here, I'll go scouting." I said.

Crucius gave me a stern look. "You better come back, otherwise your number one on my target list."

"Okay," I gulped.

I grabbed my bag and a nearby stick to go looking for a new camp spot when I saw it. I saw the perfect place even before I left camp.

"Anybody willing to live in a cave?" I asked.

"What?" asked Astrid.

"There," I pointed to cave atop the small mountain.

"Let's get moving," Crucius said packing up his items.

I scrambled to get all my items into my bag without them seeing Rorens locket. I hooked a few of my knives onto my belt when we got moving. Crucius lead the way, followed by myself. I was still scared of Crucius, but I didn't want to seem like I was staying too far away from him.

We hiked along and I eventually picked up an old stick to use as a hiking stick. Ethan shot me a warning look when he grabbed a stick of his own.

That was the thing with these people; I didn't trust them, and they didn't trust me. I guess that's the way things work around here with us. Nobody is trustworthy. Heck, nobody in all of the Hunger Games is trustworthy.

We came across a few noises, but none of them were people. We came across a dummy though, and lots of food. Something we won't need to go find in awhile. We were set, and there was no stopping us.

It took us the whole day to get to the cave, and luckily nobody was there. Lucky for them, not us. I built a fire as the sun set. As soon as the fire was going, the sky was pitch black. There were no stars which I thought was strange. The anthem played and I pulled my blanket across me. Crucius started setting up his spot next to mine, which was strange, because he never tried to get too close to me. He didn't like me, did he? No, there are too many people who like me in this arena. I can only choose one, and I know who that is.

"Astrid, your on guard. Wake Ethan up in a few hours," Crucius said as he laid down.

We didn't eat anything as we had been snacking on berries through out the day. Believe it or not, berries are very filling.

I didn't expect to see Roren tonight, he had to flee from the area before he was killed. Plus if he did come looking for me, chances are he'd never find me.

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