Chapter 3

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In my dream, Trek was beating Roren up becuase I liked Roren and not him. I was screaming for him to stop but he wouldn't until Roren had blood coming out of his nose, ears and mouth. I ran over to him, but before I got to him, someone was shaking me to get up.

"Ellsia, get up! Get up now!" shouted Roren.

"Wh-what?" I asked.

"They're here, the careers are here, we gotta run!"

"Shhh," I came to my sences and silenced him. "If you don't be quiet they'll here us," I told him.

"Ellsia! Oh Ellsia! Come here, we've made a decision. Come join us, you'll like it with us. We eat food every night!" shouted Ronaween.

"Roren, we followed you here. Remember our truce? Find us Ellsia and you won't get killed! We're honoring it, and we won't kill Ellsia!" shouted Crucius.

"I'm sorry," said Roren as he pulled me down onto the ground. "We're right here,"

"Good now we won't kill you," said Ethan

I could feel my hand shaking next to me. I was scared being next to the careers. Crucius took Roren's arm. He wasn't going to kill him, was he?

"Truces don't last forever," said Crucius pulling him along. It was some sort of warning. We started moving back to the career's home base, as it was becoming night. As we past a fast moving river, Crucius took Roren, kneed him in the gut and threw him into the river. I watched as he sped along, trying to keep his head above water.

He looked to me, and I took a step back cautiously. "Becareful, you don't want to fall in." he laughed menicingly.

I shuddered. I didn't want Crucius to throw me into the river. It was probably cold and fast with lots of rocks.


I woke up earlier than everybody else in the career camp. 'Now's my time,' I thought. I wasn't going to run, no I was definately not going to run. I had to find a way to silently kill  Ronaween and Ethan. 'Think,' I told myself looking for possiblities. That's when I saw it. Not a few meters away was a bush full of nightlock.

I silently crept over to the bush and picked off four berries. I crawled back over and put two in Ronaween's mouth, and two in Ethan's. Then I shut their jaws held their heads up, and quickly laid back down.

No cannons went off and I was shocked. A few minutes later, Crucius woke the rest of us up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked around. I looked to the bushes then back to the careers.

Ronaween and Ethan sat up. I was still shocked, I looked back over to the bush and realised I had grabbed four raspberries instend of four nightlock berries. I was so stupid.

I could tell they both tasted something, but they made no comment, that's a good thing for me. If they had said something, finger pointing would have begun, and most of those fingers would be pointed at me.

The five of them stood, and I followed. "Astrid, your on guard today. Don't die," Katara hissed.

I follwed the other four out hunting. Not only hunting for food, but for people. We came across the river we did yesterday and I anxiously tried to stay as far away from Crucius, while still staying in the group.

I was watching the river when I noticed a little gleam of something come to the surface. It was a fish of some sort.

"Are we really low on food?" I asked carefully.

"Why do you think we're hunting?" said Ethan

"There's fish in the river. I bet, if we follow it down to where it dumps into a lake or something we can catch them," I replied telling them about the fish in the river.

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