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Alice came into work the next morning, clutching a warm coffee in her hands. She sat down at her desk, but noticed a pink folded piece of paper on her desk. She opened it, and it read;
Dear Alice,
Do you realise how beautiful you are? You deserve more than you get. You should check the mirror more, for you have the most wonderful eyes. You work hard for little return, and I admire that. I hope things get better, and I will be here, silently supporting you from behind. Stay safe and make sure you eat enough and sleep enough.
From b.j.h

Alice smiled at the letter, filing it away in her bag for safe keeping. When she got to work, she couldn't stop smiling. No matter how hard the task, or how annoying the co worker she was still happy.

Irene had watched nervously from the sides. She had hidden away, making sure she had a perfect view of Alice. Alice opened the letter and Irene's stomach turned. Once Irene saw Alice's smile she instantly smiled too, and her nerves settled. She ran out from her hiding spot, flashed a smile at Alice and ran to join her members at dance practice. "Irene, you were here early today." Wendy smirked. "I had...stuff to do." Irene said looking off to the side. "I heard that Alice one of the finance managers or something has a secret admirer." Joy whispered. "Oh, you mean the one Irene likes, even though they have had like one conversation." Seulgi laughed. "Yeah that one!" Joy laughed to. Irene grumbled. "Come on, lets start practicing." Irene said changing the subject. "Irene did you write Alice a love letter?" Yeri asked smiling innocently. "No." Irene said firmly. She went to put the music on. "Let's get this started." Irene said, still angry. "Moody Joohyun is real." Wendy laughed, causing everyone to laugh but Irene. "Do you want me to get the manager?" Irene snapped. They all fell silent and shook their heads. Irene took a deep breath, and they begun their practice. Afterwards, Irene saw Alice walk out. Irene meant to just watch her, but then walked into her. "Oh, I'm sorry." Alice said softly bowing her head. Alice's voice was prettier than Irene remembered. "It was my fault, I'm sorry." Irene smiled walking off. Alice shrugged it off but Irene would remember it, and decided to write another letter.

from b.j.h-irene baeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin