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❝ This town is weird. ❞

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Bella looked up from the small slip with the names messily scribbled on it. Charlie had given it to her when they said their goodbyes at the airport back in Washington. It was a slightly awkward and curt goodbye, but full of love nonetheless.

She double checked the paper, not being able to pronounce the last name, and looked around the airport in New Orleans for anybody that would fit Charlie's description and the name.

She didn't have to look for long seeing as she found a boy with a piece of paper reading 'BELLA SWAN' on it. He was wearing an outfit similar to Bella. They were both wearing blue jeans, white tee, a purple flannel, and beat up low-tops.



There was an awkward silence amongst them before Stiles cleared his throat and gestured to her suitcase. Bella nodded and awkwardly passed the heavy luggage to the boy and followed quietly behind him as he led the way to the parking lot.

"I love your car," Bella said once they were inside his baby blue Jeep, admiring the simple comfort of the car.

Stiles started the car and looked at Bella, thinking she was joking for a moment. When he realized she was being serious, he smiled and thanked her.

The ride to Stiles and Bella's new house was filled with simple conversation that allowed for them to get to know each other now that they'd be living together. They found out that they shared the same birthday, lived with their fathers, both of whom had or have the status of being a sheriff, and had only really ever been romantically involved with one person.

"This is it," Stiles said once they arrived at their home. "Home sweet home."

Bella looked at the apartment complex and smiled. It was simple and once inside, the place was homey. It was decorated to the taste of males, meaning there was hardly any decoration that was just for show.

"Your room is this one," Stiles told her as he led the way to the first bedroom down the hall.

It was smaller than her room back in Forks. The walls were creamy white, a bed pushed up against the left-hand corner, a door directly in front of the bed on the opposite wall leading to a small walk-in closet.

"The bathroom is right in front of your room. We'll be sharing that since my dad has his own." Stiles had pointed out a door that was on the other side of the hall before turning back to the room. "The room is furnished, but undecorated since we just moved here. We could go shopping for stuff later if you want."

"It's fine," Bella shook her head. "This is perfect."

"This isn't one of those girl things where you say one thing, but mean another is it? Because I don't speak girl and I don't know whether you're being sincere or not and frankly I—"

"Stiles," Bella cut him off. She was chuckling at his rambling and found it endearing. "I'm being sincere. I'm more of the simple kind of girl. Don't really need much," she shrugged as she tucked her hands into her back pockets.

"Oh," Stiles said. "Well alright then. I'll just leave you to get settled then."

They nodded to each other and Stiles left Bella to unpack. She started with putting away her clothes in her closet and putting her small trinkets mementos around the room. The picture of her and Charlie was on the desk. The folded up photograph of Edward was tucked away somewhere in her closet. It was when she turned to lay down in her bed that she realized she didn't have a bed cover. So she decided that it was as good a time as any to leave her room and get familiarized with her new home and Stiles since she was now living with him.

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