Thirty Five

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Word spread quickly in the school as every student in every house knew of what happened to Grayson (Yang) Malfoy. Even the teachers knew she remained in the headmistress office throughout the weekend, unconscious. The message was clearly sent that anyone associated with Dumbledore's Army would be punished.

When Grayson had stumbled into the Gryffindor common room late Sunday night, she looked like a mess. Dark bags more prominent under her eyes, skin pale and streaked with tears. In an instant Ginny was pulling her into her arms, Hermione racing to her side as well. Everyone crowded around her getting blankets, water and food. She didn't speak, only staring down at her cut up hand.

Ginny with the help of a few others girls were able to get the poor girl into her dorm laying her down onto the bed. The other girls left the red head with her friend to help change her, make sure she knew she was okay.

There was a distant look in Grayson's showing almost no emotion. Only a blank stare.

"Hey it's okay..." Ginny stroked her hair trying to comfort her, "just get some rest it'll be okay."


When she awoke on Monday morning all the girls in her room were shuffling about getting ready for breakfast. Her head spun from the hours she was kept in that office, given some strange drink, and just laid there.

"I wanna come.." she barely mustered out. No one could tell her no, she had the choice. But Ginny felt nervous bringing her to the Great Hall, everyone's attention would be on her and she may get overwhelmed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm really hungry." she said, her voice weak.

Together a whole group approached the Great Hall surrounding their fried. She desperately tried to forget the pain, even Hermione's concoction seemed useless at this stage. Grayson quite honestly felt defeated and like everyone knew she was too. Some students applauded the group whereas some students thought they deserved the punishments they got.

Walking in, a lot of the attention shifted to the crowd of Gryffindors coming in. Their attendance always became lesser and lesser, but not today. Draco had his view downcast, brows furrowed. With all the commotion he finally looked up. She was okay. He couldn't sleep the past two nights having no idea how she was, he was scared for her, so seeing her up and walking was a relief. Now he just felt like he needed to be with her.

As Draco carefully watched her every move from across the room he grew increasingly worried. She hardly touched any food or even talked. Hell, she looked as if she wanted nothing more than to go sleep... eventually she looked up and his heart sped up as he could tell her eyes were scanning the other tables for him. She looked disoriented attempting to, but finally their gazes locked as she gave a weak smile. He motioned towards the door and she gave him a nod in return, making him start to fidget needing to get out of there.

"Guys I'm gonna go back to the tower before my first class."

Hermione replied with, "why don't you just go and rest. I'm sure missing classes today will be forgiven."

"I just feel too bad.."

"Go to Madam Pomfrey please. You're suffering!" the brunette had a point.

"Okay I'll go."

"Thank goodness.. want one of us to take you?"

She shook her head. Probably no one would agree with her that she should meet up with Draco, "no I'll be fine."

So they let her leave the hall on her own. He didn't care much if anyone noticed him leave right after her but he didn't want to waste any time getting to her. Not after the hell of a weekend he had.

"Love.." she was walking towards the hospital wing when he caught up to her.

"Draco.." Grayson didn't move an inch but Draco took her into his arms. He held onto her as if it had been years since they last saw one another, muttering 'sorry' over and over. Having her in his arms was a relief and he had to practically force the tears from falling, "I'm okay." she then lied.

"This is all my fault I'm sorry."

"I'm the one who made the decision to go against the headmistress Draco. I deserved this.." she spoke into his chest, feeling him tense up at her words. She knew he'd disagree. But smelling his regular cologne in this moment was like heaven. Who knows that if something went wrong where she would be.

"No one deserves to be tortured like that... fuck, I was so worried. I had no clue what to do and I felt like I failed as a husband trying to protect you."

Of course Grayson was told all about how Draco was forced to see her but couldn't help, only watch her suffer. But she didn't know how much that impacted him, plaguing his thoughts he couldn't forget the image of her laying there. How could he?

She pushed herself away from him, "Look. I don't wanna get into another fight over this. But you know we stand on completely different sides here."

"I know. But love, I'm not going to argue with you on this either. I need to make sure you're okay, do all I can."

Another wave of nausea then hit Grayson, making her grab onto his arm. He took to her waist immediately, "will you take me to the hospital wing?" she said as her mind went dizzy.

His voice sounded more alarmed than he intended it to be, "O-of course." quickly he whisked her down the hall before anything more could happen to her.

Madam Pomfrey didn't seem too surprised to see Grayson, in a way she was actually waiting for her to walk in. Malfoy was holding onto her waist and sat her down on one of the beds. She tried to shoo the boy to his classes but he refused to budge.

"Mr. Malfoy, you need to get going." the teachers voice started to grow more annoyed.

"Draco it's okay.." the young girl reassuringly placed her hand on one of his arms. He didn't want to leave her, not now.

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine."

[I only ran through the 5th year quickly because there's only 2 chapters left and I figured it would help with the ending.. seriously can't believe it's basically done. Don't forget to vote and comment!]

Cynical // Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now