Chapter 11

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Sam loved the feel of this store. The heavy metal music playing in the background, the shelves lined with band tees exploding with rich dye, the black and red walls. They take turns pointing out merch from their favorite bands. She finds something to try on just for fun. It's a skimpy Harley Quinn costume. "What's this?" Will says raising his eyebrows, "Lettme find something to match," he adds. He picks out a Joker suit.

They find a worker and she gives us the key to the dressing room. Sam blushes when she realizes she'll have to get completely undressed (save lingerie) in front of Will. "Wait out there and I'll come show it to you," she offers. He shakes his head, "No, I'll come in there with you." She knew there was really no arguing with him. They both went in the stall together, and she started to strip off her clothing. Will was very noticeably looking at her, and it made her feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. She rolled her eyes at him and he said, "Sorry, you're just beautiful."

Sam changed into her Harley outfit, it made her look very grown up and it complimented her figure. She turned around. Holy Shit. Will looked hot. She decided to get into character, "Oh puddin!" she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, "You look mighty handsome." Will looked into her eyes, "You sweet talking me?" he asked in a somewhat dark, and sexy voice, "All that chit chat's gonna get ya hurt." On the inside Sam was fangirling but on the outside she pressed her lips into his and they started making out. He held her very close and she felt secure in his arms.

Once they came out of the dressing room, they put their costumes back up and left the store. They once again walked through the hallways of the mall. Sam rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "Hey Sam!" someone shouted from a few yards away. She turned to Will and gave him an inquisitive look. "Oh no not him," he said. Ryan was walking towards me standing next to a boy with mcr danger days red hair and gauges who she assumed was his boyfriend. "Back off buddy, she's mine now," Will muttered under his breath.

Ryan high fived me, "Hey friend!" he said. "What are you doing here?" Will asked him. Ryan shrugged, "We ditched." "Us too," Sam piped in. "Figured so," Ryan's boyfriend replied. "So.. uh we were heading to Spencer's. Wanna tag along?" Ryan asked. "We'll have to pass, we were just on our way," Will said. She gave him a look, "We'd love too."

The four of us formed a line and They walked to Spencers. They got there and looked at graphic tees, piercings, and gag items such as dildos and shot glasses. Nobody got anything but it was cool to look around. Will was slightly on edge the whole time. She guessed she could see why, in his eyes Ryan was the person keeping her from noticing him all these years. "Come look at this Sam, it's hilarious," Ryan said trying to show her something. She began to walk towards him, but Will pulled her into his arms, dramatically kissing her. It wasn't out of affection, it was for show.

She yanked away and pulled him aside, "Look I get it ok? You don't like him. You're just acting over protective. I'm sorry if I just wanted a friend. But don't do that. Don't use me for show, ok? Makes me feel worthless." "I'm sorry," Will said, "I'll make more of an effort to be nice to Ryan, and I'm sorry I did that I'm just a dick head..." he trails off. "It's ok," Sam says, "You're my dick head." The pair walked back over to Ryan and his boyfriend. Ryan raised his eyebrows. She gave him a 'don't ask' look. "Ready to bounce?" She asks. They nodded their heads.

They wandered around to they eventually ended up in the food court. None of us were too hungry though. There was a carousel in the middle of the food court. My eyes grew wide as I watched it spin round and round. Memories of riding it when I was a child made me feel nostalgic. "You wanna ride?" Will asked me. "I'd love too, but it's fine if we don't..." she responded. He shook his head, "Nonsense." He walked up to the teller and purchased four tickets. He handed everyone theirs and they got in line.

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