Chapter 12

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Within a few minutes, they were taking a seat on rainbow painted motorized horses. The four of them rode next together, and Will was right beside her. The carousel started to spin and her horse began to move up and down. The surrounding food court rushed by in swirls of color. She threw back her head and let out a laugh, smiling at the people around her. They were all having a good time. She let her worry be at ease and allowed herself to be a child for a few minutes.

The ride went on for about 5 minutes and then it came to a slow stop. She stepped off, feeling slightly dizzy. She checked her phone to see 3 missed call from her mom. Sam quickly dialed her up. "Hey mom I have a question. So you're picking me up at the mall right?" "That's the plan," her mother responded. "Well I was wondering if Will could eat with us.." Sam says into the phone. "I'd love that. Can you meet me in the food court?" My mother replied. "Actually we're there right now," she says, and with that she hangs up.

Ryan, Ryan's boyfriend, and Will walk up to me. "Hey guys we have to go, but I'll see you at school tommorow," Ryan says. We wave them goodbye. "What's did your mom say? You're not leaving me are you?" He asks. She shakes her head, "We're having lunch here actually, and you're invited." Her mom arrived in no time at all. As she walked through the entrance to the food court, Sam ran up to hug her. Will shook her hand. "So he's your boyfriend ha?" my mom asked. She nodded her head and smiled.

They went to the Taco Bell vender. She placed her order and so did her mom and Will. The wait for their food was short and they found an open spot at a table. She opened the music app on her phone and Will and Sam echanged a knowing glance. "I have to do it," she said. Her mom said, "Oh brother..." "Fast food, greasy, taco, I love," emitted from her phone speaker. Eating Taco Bell while listening to the saga was the greatest. "I don't get how a man with that much talent can write a song about tacos," her mom said. What she didn't realize was that this song was the definition of talent. She laughed at the thought.

"Did you tell him?" Sam's mom asked, starting up a conversation. Damn. She secretly hoped her mom wouldn't bring this up. "Uhh.. well no, but thats not important. I'm going to try harder now. I'm starting to make friends and I have a boyfriend now. Things are getting better..." Her mom frowned, she squeezed her hand and looked as if she was holding back tears. "I'll help you through this," she said. "Me too," Will added, "But I want to know." Reluctantly, she told him about her suicide attempt. When she finished, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. She could feel his teardrops on her shoulder. "Stay alive for me," he said into her neck.

After that, her mother got to know Will a little better, making idle chatter and asking an occasional question.

When it was time to leave, Will kissed her goodbye. They exchanged numbers so they could text/talk before school Tommorow. Her mom told her that she thought he was a nice boy. She sat in the passenger seat of her mom's car, watching the world go past. What if she hadn't shown up for school today? She would still be sad, she would still feel alone. Funny how things can happen so quick. This one day changed the rest of her life. When they got home, Sam began to walk to her room. When she passed the bathroom, she saw the noose where her mom had stashed it. She shivered.

Grabbing it in her hands she ran outside. She went to the backyard and struck a match. Sam set fire to the notted rope. She stood there, watching as it caught fire. It burned until it turned crisp and black. The firefight danced in her eyes and she could feel the warmth on her face. She could hear the crackle in her ears and smell the smoke. Her mom would be proud of her. Will would be proud of her. Her dad would be proud of her. She doused the flames with water not wanting it to spread. Tommorow was a new day, after school she would go to therapy. Sam would piece back her life. Things wouldn't be easy. She would have to go through hell to get a small piece of heaven every now and then. But it would be worth it. Giving up was too easy.

She was still alive . Not everyone had made it to this point, but Sam had. Lately, she had felt something new inside of her, maybe it was happiness. All she knew was that she was no longer dead inside.

A/N: The end. I hope you guys liked this story. I still have a few old stories I want to publish on here and then I'll start sharing new work. Thanks for every vote/comment/read/follow. You guys are awesome. Stay Alive.

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