Chapter 2 Bonding in the North

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Waking up next to a warm body and feeling his soft breath in my hair was a nice comfortable sensation as I slowly unraveled my body from Ethan's arms then dressed and got out with Judge. I grabbed my  leather coat, tossing on my nikes then took Judge to the pet area so he could do his business this morning. I stretched  while looking around noticing not many people were up and about yet, six am may seem early on a vacation but my internal clock hardly ever lets me sleep in  The sunrise is about an hour away but it is still light enough to see while we walked back to the van past all the beer cans from the other  teenagers party last night. I placed food and water down for Judge then quietly got out the table and camp stove, pans to start breakfast before Ethan woke up.

Judge was munching on his breakfast as I cooked eggs and sausage when I heard Ethan  moving around in the van then he sat beside me asking " Why did you let me sleep in Kass and I know I don't snore?"  I chuckled answering " Because you looked so peaceful and no you don't snore, just an early jump on the day as I always wake up at 6am anyways Ethan." He then kissed my neck whispering " Then tomorrow I cook for you in the morning deal?" I nodded as he smiled while putting his nikes on, standing up Ethan turned saying " Our next adventure is on to  Minnesota an 8 hour drive, then South Dakota which is 6 and a half the next day, thank you for bringing me along sexy." I smiled replying " You are welcome it's a win-win for us both handsome." After we ate breakfast Ethan made sure he washed the pans as I cleaned up all the trash, then we both made sure the spot we used was back to normal and spotless. We packed everything back up, took Judge to the dog park so he could do his thing and loaded up now heading for Jackson, Mn with a stop in Sioux City , Iowa for showers at the Flying J truck stop.

Ethan asked if we could make a slight detour into Chicago so he could get more clothes and I agreed  as we decided he should drive this leg and I will drive tomorrow. From  Utica to Chicago is about 2 hours so we had a 4 hour side trip making our day now  a 12 hour driving adventure. Ethan was way cool with it and he told me if he got tired we would switch places. Ethan grabbed more clothes, some of his Cd's and I met his oh so sexy brother, Greek god looks must run in the family genes. His brother, Theo also gave us  more food for our cooler, two camping chairs, an extra sleeping bag and tried to slyly hand Ethan more cash for our trip as I chuckled at them both. He told us to stay safe, have fun and keep in touch then nudged Ethan saying " You are lucky brother, she is so hot and wow sex appeal runs off her." I blushed as they both laughed then we loaded back up waving bye to Theo and headed back on our journey towards  Sioux City. So for the next 8 hrs, Ethan and I talked about all kinds of different things, joked and sang to our music, having a blast on our adventure and pulling into Sioux City Flying J, Iowa at 6pm.

After  I took Judge to the pet area as Ethan played frisbee with him  and Judge did his thing, he loaded back in the van while Ethan grabbed our towels and his change of clothes, then I grabbed mine before we went into the truck stop. We both agreed to meet in the store when we  finished our showers, when I was done I wandered around the store waiting on Ethan, just glancing at the knick knacks they had for sell. Ethan smiled at me as he walked up pulling me against his chest as I ran my hands through his wet hair and he kissed me softly with heated passion. I picked up a collapsible laundry mesh net basket thing as Ethan paid for it making me grumble and he chuckled then we went back to the van tossing our now dirty clothes together in the basket.

I got us both a soda from the cooler as Ethan got in the driver's side after he again held my door for me and we were off for Kennebec, SD for the night. We decided to bypass the Buffalo Museum, figuring it would be best just to get to our KOA in Kennebec, SD and we could eat there after we settled in our spot since they have a chuckwagon that cooks burgers and stuff there. Also we would 3 hours away from Hill City where we planned to stay for four days and just sight see in the Black Hills of South Dakota, staying at the Mt. Rushmore KOA. As he pulled into the KOA we looked at our spot choices and both agreed on a spot across from the store, which  caused us to also laugh seeing they had showers and laundry here.  I told Ethan I would go start our laundry if he would take Judge to the pet area and he kissed me  then smiled  saying he would like to play catch with him. I smiled knowing that these two have a bond growing and it made me very pleased to see Judge trusting someone, I'm sure as long as my vibes stayed positive so would Judge. I gathered our clothes, got quarters, soap and dryer sheets from the store then started the laundry. I scoped out the chuckwagon's menu as a nice  gentleman told me what all goes with the buffalo burgers, when I told him I would be back with two friends, he smiled nodding to me.

After I walked back to the van and told Ethan it was time to get dinner, he and I along with Judge,  walked back to the store area and I noticed the older gentleman chuckle when he saw us. Ethan got the biggest buffalo cheeseburger with the chips, I ordered myself a normal buffalo cheeseburger with chips,  then ordered just the double burger, meat only for Judge as everyone chuckled and I smirked rubbing Judge's head. In between eating I went and moved the laundry to a dryer as Ethan sat with Judge talking with the man at the chuckwagon. When we finished eating and cleaned up our trash Ethan waited outside with Judge as  I retrieved our laundry, then all three of us went back to the van. Judge and Ethan played more frisbee as I put the clothes away and then grabbed a chair watching them or writing in my journal. I had the stereo on , not to loud to bother anyone else, drinking a beer and reading when Ethan came to me and Judge laid down panting but still wagging his tail. I chuckled as Ethan looked just as worn out while I handed him a  beer from our cooler as he grabbed the other camp chair sitting by me.

I smiled looking at them both then turned kissing Ethan softly saying" Seems you two wore each other out handsome." He smirked kissing my neck replying " I think so sexy, he is an awesome dog and we click well."  Just then his cell phone rang and he chuckled as he answered it telling me it was  his brother, while Ethan was telling him where we are and all that we have done. I smiled as I read, kinda ease dropping on his conversation hearing him compliment me and how he really gets along with Judge, things like that. Ethan turned to me saying " Yes Theo I will let Kass know you are jealous of me being with her and traveling." I softly chuckled as Ethan ran his thumb gently down my cheek making me blush as he chuckled at me taking my hand and kissing the back of it. A few hours later we both called it a night, putting the chairs away, Judge jumped in the van laying on the floor as Ethan and I got undressed then snuggled in the bed saying goodnight to each other with a short hot passionate make out session, finally falling off to sleep with Ethan spooning me and I snuggled in more to his nice warm body.

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