Chapter 3 Our break in the Badlands

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Waking up next to such a sexy guy, feeling his arms around me and his soft breath in my hair made me realize that I have missed this part of growing up  in high school. I rolled over facing Ethan and just gently caressed his face with the tip of my index finger as I smiled to myself while he  slept so peacefully next to me. I looked at all his features, ran my hand softly down his chest and across his six pack making him shiver a bit from my touch as I thought how lucky I truly am to have crossed paths with  such a gentleman and gentle man. When I went to gently kiss his cheek he opened his eyes smiling and whispered " I could get use to waking like this beautiful." I blushed, he smirked then he softly covered my lips with his as we both  moaned into the each others kiss. As I rolled over to get out of bed, Ethan grabbed me and started tickling my sides while we wrestled on the bed. Judge jumped in the middle of us making us both laugh then we both got up and I let judge out of the side door. We dressed, made up the bed then put Judge on his leash and headed for the chuckwagon for breakfast.

Judge laid by my feet at the picnic table as Ethan ordered us both scrambled eggs and ham, then he brought me a large glass of juice, tossed Judge three sausages as I smirked saying” You are going to spoil him Ethan.” He smiled kissing my head saying “ Yep because he and I are buds, he needs to be spoiled.” I chuckled as the cook brought our plates and after we both told him thank you, we devoured breakfast while we talked about what we both wanted to do for the next four days at Mt. Rushmore. Ethan took our plates back to the cook after we finished then held his hand out as I blushed taking his hand while we started back to the van passing families smiling, greeting each other and Judge staying very close to my side. A small trio of guys came to close making Judge growl at them as Ethan put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. One guy smiled then said “ Sexy lady, sure you don't want to come with me because I would show you a great time.” I shook my head no as Ethan replied “ I think she is just fine with me friend and since the dog seems to not like you, your chances are slim she will change her mind.”

The guy went to reach for me as Judge barked deep and with a lot of threat, I smirked saying “ Yea well I am with the man I want, my dog seems to not want you near me, I trust his judgment.” Ethan chuckled and so did the guys two friends as I smiled while we walked past them. Ethan kissed my hand whispering “ I see you will be a challenge to keep Kass.” I shrugged and smiled answering “ Happens all the time Ethan, I trust you and this guy let's me know what he thinks so no worries sexy.”

When we got back to the van, Ethan loaded Judge in as I took the driver's spot then he got in the passenger side. We headed out of the KOA now going west and in three hours we will be at our KOA in Hill City at Mt. Rushmore, where this one has everything anyone would want, a mini mall, restaurant and lounge, outside movies at night, rec room and all kinds of cool stuff to do. After the three hour drive I pulled in the KOA and a camp host led us to our spot, telling us all kinds of things we could do, where we needed to go to check all checked in and that any questions could be answered by the people at the lodge . We both thanked him, then after we settled in our spot, we Put Judge on his leash taking him to the huge dog park then all three of us headed for the lodge to check in.

This place is amazing and maybe four days here won't be enough time, so Ethan told me we could stay longer if I wanted, as he was agreeable with any plans I wanted to do. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked to the lodge, he smiled wrapping his arm around me and Judge stayed by us both. We did decide that tonight we would do the night lighting ceremony at Mt. Rushmore since they had a tour bus that goes nightly and it's an event that they do every night in the summer. Ethan got all kinds of information on things to do or see, a map of where everything is here, then we walked back to the van, got out the table and chairs and both mulled over the pamphlets as Judge chewed on a rawhide bone Ethan bought him and I set out his water dish and food. Ethan seemed to have an endless supply of credit on his card, but I let it pass thinking heck he was having a good time and he wouldn't let me pay for much every time I argued with him even when we had agreed to split it all fifty fifty.

Ethan cooked us burgers on the outside grill while I put Judge's chain and staked it in the grass. I knew he could break the chain but it is all for show, if Judge thought he needed to he would break the chain to protect the van. After we ate, I made sure I loved on Judge telling him to be good, set out more water and food then Ethan and I went to meet up with the tour bus for the lighting at Mt. Rushmore. There was a few families with smaller kids, a group of six teens around sixteen and a few girls and guys around our age group. Ethan kept his arm around the back of my seat as I laid my head on his shoulder, both of us enjoying the warmth, comfort and the awesome scenery as we headed for Mt. Rushmore.

The lighting ceremony really is a spectacular thing to see and the monument looks so impressive at night. The tour guide told all of us some history on the park, about the animals in the park and odd tidbits of tourist stuff. When we made it back to the lodge at the KOA after the ceremony, Ethan took my hand and led me into the lounge then we ordered some wine, watched couples dancing while enjoying just being able to relax. Around midnight I started yawning, Ethan chuckled at me so he decided to call it a night as we walked back to the van seeing Judge sleeping peacefully by the van. I unclipped him from the chain, he loaded in the van, then Ethan and I got in, undressed and snuggled into bed as I softly feel into a calm easy sleep.

Adventures Of a Teenage DrifterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora