Chapter 9 Being Southern California tourists

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I woke up to an empty bed when I turned over and smiled knowing Ethan had Judge at the dog park doing his business before the drive today. I got up and dressed in my blue tube top, brown jeans with the belt, tied my hair back in a french braid and put on my socks and nikes. I then walked to the coffee shop, buying Ethan and I both double espressos and donuts, also a jerky treat for Judge. I sat on the edge of the van side door floor watching the clouds float by as I waited for my guys to come back from the dog park. Ethan smiled to me when I handed him the coffee and Judge barked very excited as he could smell the jerky when I chuckled hugging his neck then handed it to him. Ethan kissed my nose as I smiled and we talked about how much longer we should wait before waking all the others up when Zeke sauntered over smirking at me and did the guy hand shake thing with Ethan.

Zeke had a coffee in his hand also as we chatted about how this trip was awesome so far and what they wanted to do in California as I just listened and enjoyed the way we three have come a long ways from the first few days when we met each other. At 8 am Ethan and Zeke both got up, headed for Saul and Barry's motor homes to wake everyone else up so we could get to our next leg of the fantastic summer break. I laughed as I watched them both rocking the motor homes and hearing the people inside complaining it was too early when Liam came over and sat with me as we waited for the crew to rise and shine. Finally by 9am everyone was up, dressed, had coffee and was ready to head out so Ethan loaded up Judge as I took the passenger side of my van, Zeke following us then Barry and Saul at the end. We checked out of the KOA, then headed south down the interstate for California, a 3 hour drive and to become real tourists in the sun.

We drove down Soledad Canyon road and pulled into the KOA at 1 pm, Ethan took a spot on a corner, Zeke was next to us then Saul and Barry at the end. I got out and let Judge out, put his leash on his collar. While the guys get everything set up, we girls agreed to do some exploring of the campground and also would pay for a week for our spots. Barry handed Nicky their fee money, Saul gave his to Angie and I chuckled when Zeke and Ethan both gave me the money for our spots. Ethan kissed me smiling and said “Yea I guess you do take care of us three guys kinda, sexy.” Zeke chuckled and Liam laughed saying he would join me when Zeke smirked saying “You do that little brother, make sure no other guys hit on her.” Ethan growled and I smirked kissing his lips softly, he pressed his against mine making sure I felt all his devotion and love. First we went to the dog park so Judge could do his business, then we walked towards the front where the store and office are so we paid our week fees and I picked up all the info on what this KOA offered.

Liam chuckled as we both saw the ice cream social, Disney movies on Friday and Saturday night and a good size arcade room. They also have laundry and showers, volleyball court and a convenience store, yep we all agreed this was way cool for us. When we finished looking around, we walked back to the sites and I smiled as Ethan and Zeke had steaks grilling on the fire while Barry and Saul were slicing stuff for a salad. Liam and I plopped down in the chairs, grabbing a beer as the other girls helped Saul and Barry laughing as they teased the guys on their food cutting style. My phone vibrated so I stood up kissing Ethan on the cheek and walked away from the group as Judge followed me and he sniffed around then rolled in the grass.

I opened my phone to see it was from my mom and answered it with a chuckle as she gave me the twenty questions drill. After we said our hellos and I explained where I was, who I was with and why, she calmed down then my dad got on and told me to stay save, he would add more money to my account since I was traveling and to enjoy this time, also how he wishes he was young like me again. We laughed together then before we hung up my dad said they would be gone again but back by the time I entered college to help me with any moving I would need. My dad just understood me so well, he and I have a bond like no other and we feel the same about most everything in life. Even though I really miss him so much, I would never voice it out loud because he wouldn't travel so much and I think he knows without me saying a word but he also knows I understand and except the reality of his career, so we just avoid the subject.

Adventures Of a Teenage DrifterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora