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We were supposed to go sailing today. We were supposed to be alone together and have a day on the water and forget about the problems that plague us.

But he's not here. I sit on the dock next to our rented sailboat, listening to the seagulls and the lapping water, and I wait.

And wait.

But he doesn't show and I do not know why. I try to imagine what he could be doing, what dragged him away from something he was so excited about.

But it doesn't matter, because even when he explains why, I will not understand. I will never know why he does the things he does because I have never lived his life. Because he has lived things I can't even dream.

I'm glad no one can see me right now. I think they might see my hopes dashed, like they are real things dancing on the water and someone might see them drown, just like that, gone forever. And then they would pity me, and I don't want that. I don't need that. I choose the things that happen in my life and I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me.

I lie back on the dock and listen to the sounds and give up on the idea of seeing him.
It doesn't matter. It wouldn't have lived up to my hopes anyway.

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