Chapter 3: The Pain of losing her..

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It's been 6 years today since we lost her, Lucy Strauss the guild's light but my light as well.

(Flash back 6 years)

Lucy ran into the guild searching for her blond companion , once she seen him she bolted to him knocking him off his seat, while she sat on his stomach... Before he could yell at her she hugged him and said 

"I MISSED YOUUUU LAXIIIII T^T ITS BEEN A WEEK!!! DIDN'T YOU MISS ME??!!?" before he could respond she was swept away by Mira and Elfman, Mira then said "Lucy you ready for a S-Class mission?!?!" Mira grinned while Elfman smiled and Lucy was wide eyed until she got back to reality.

Lucy then said "WHAT?!?! REALLY IS MAKI OK WITH IT?!?!" She screamed gaining the attention of the guild. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, Mira sweat dropped and then proceeded and said 

"Yes he said as long as we all go but Lisanna wanted to stay here so I asked you, her words were "Miraa-nee but I wannnaaa stay with Natsuuuuuu" and so I thought I should bring you!" Lucy grinned and agreed.

She turned to where Laxus who was at the bar drinking a banana smoothie, Lucy ran at him and knocked him off his seat once again but this time she landed on his back... *Sweat drops*

"LAXIII MIRA-NEE IS TAKING ME ON AN S-CLASS MISSSSSSOOOONNN!!!" She screamed and making Laxus cover his ears because you know "Dragon Slayers Sensitive Hearing". Laxus then smiled at her but he thought "Tch un-fair I want to be by your side" and when he thought that he blushed really red confusing Lucy.

"Laxi you ok? You're really red... ARE YOU SICK?!?!" Lucy started to panic but was stopped when Mira pulled her away and told her it was time to go, Lucy pouted and then said 

"Laxiiiii wait for me and when I come back we are going to THE WATER PARK!!!" Lucy grinned and waved and shouted 'GoodByes' while walking out of the guild with Mira and Elfman.

(Time Skip to the mission)

(Mira's POV)

As Me and Elfman were fighting off one of the demons, One of the demons came up behind me about to him when Elfman used his Beast-Soul to take over the Demons soul. I knew he could do it so I turned to check on Lucy to see her in her War Goddess Form. 

As I looked back at Elfman he was rampaging and heading towards Lucy before I could yell he smacked he into a rock and her transformation wore off and then she got back up and said "Elf-Nii come back to us, to them, Fairy Tail!" 

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As I looked back at Elfman he was rampaging and heading towards Lucy before I could yell he smacked he into a rock and her transformation wore off and then she got back up and said "Elf-Nii come back to us, to them, Fairy Tail!" 

Lucy Strauss - The baby StraussWhere stories live. Discover now