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I wake up to the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves above my head. Gee, thanks gods... real nice of ye....! I think. I get up and decide to head back to that town... perhaps there's something that will help me there. Maybe someone can explain... or maybe it was just a dream...? That's what I'd hoped at least.

Nope. I sigh, no one seems to care or notice. So I just start walking around trying to ignore all the stares I'm receiving. I eventually end up at a large building that stands out from the others. So, naturally, I decide to go in.

The staff looks so sophisticated... perhaps I shouldn't be in here...?

"Hello," one of the female employees says to me. "Would you like to join a tour of the museum?"

"Uh... ok...?" I reply, hoping to find out where we are.

She leads me to a group of others and leads the group through a hallway and into a large open area, filled with art and sculptures of the gods. Oh. I thought this must be a new worshipping building I was unaware of.

"The Ancient Greek civilizations begun way back in the 12th century BC," she begun talking about our history... but... it's not ancient... and she was wrong, it was the 11th century.... "Which, considering its currently the 12th century AD, is a very long time ag- ... sir, are you alright?" Her focus was now on me, I'd froze. What did she mean it's the 12th century AD? What in Zeus' name is she talking about?!

"W-what year did you say it was...?" I asked for clarification

"Ah, its 2018," she'd said simply. "Is that all?" I nodded, and slowly made my way away from the group, feeling slightly lightheaded. What is going on? I'm in the future?

Then I had a brilliant idea. Well, semi-brilliant. I looked for any other employee and had asked for them to guide me to where I can find information on Apollo. She brought me to another section which had a lot of information which was good and bad. Good; I can figure this out. Bad; it's was gonna take a while.

That's when I found a section labelled "MYTHS". I'd scanned over the titles finding many things that I knew to be more than just "myths". But then, I saw it, one poster clearly labeled


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