We're Going Down!!!

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"Oh Hades! I might need these!"

"I don't care! Toss 'em or die Cynthie!" He shouted at me.

"Is it possible that we simply land the carriage? It would make the weight much easier..." I suggested as I quickly read through books.

"Have ya looked down?! Not possible Cynthie!" He said. I looked down at the mountain tops below us, it seemed we were getting closer to them by the second...

With much hesitation, I began to throw out books that did not seem useful. Our downfall steadied and we were able to fly straight again. "Phew" I sighed in relief, still very worried about my books.

"Took ya long enough, Cynthie. You nearly killed us!" Axel explained angrily.

"But, I did not. And it's not my fault the horses are tired! I could have thrown you off!" I explained just as angrily "It would have gotten rid of extra weight...!"

To this Axel has no witty response. No sarcastic comment. No angry response. He simply turned around to face the horses and nodded. For some reason, this hurt me more than his usual annoying responses. I had hit a nerve.

"Wait no... I- I did not mean that Axel..." I explained. "I just got angry..." he shook his head silently. It was painful. He was upset. Because of me... "Axel...?"

He didn't respond. Suddenly I could see all the books I had thrown off floating in front of me with some sort of purple and pink magic. It was a miracle! I didn't have to lose them!

"Axel, look! The books are back! And they're flying!" I exclaimed excitedly. To this he turned to look at me. His eyes widened.

"Oh no!" He exclaimed, suddenly I could feel the horses were declining. Axel was making them land.

"What in Hades' name are you doing?!" I asked.

"Landing, you fool! Look at that magic!" He exclaimed looking for somewhere to land, he found a small flat surface in between three mountains, he went for it. We were probably about 5 metres up when the magic on the books disappeared, the books fell on the carriage. We were going down faster.

Down. Down. Down. We fell to the plateau in the carriage.

"What is it?! Who's magic is it?!" I yelled at him. I simply got screams as a response as we fell. I heard the carriage snap and break, my vision went fuzzy, very fuzzy. I looked to Axel as we lay on the ground, my vision fading to pure dark blackness.

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