Godly Vision

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Asclepius leads me out through a back exit of the museum, and into a dark forest. My eyes quickly scan along the trees of fear of being attacked by wolves or monsters or flying object (perhaps something like a discus). He then turns and looks at me, an amused smile spreads across his face as he seems to be resisting an urge to laugh "Not a fan of the dark, hm?" He asks me.

I look down at my feet. "Never have been..." I smile as I seem to be chuckling too.

"Then I have some good news for you," he says "we're here." He opens a door to a small wooden hut, gesturing for me to go in, I do.

Let me be the first to tell you, magic is awesome!!!! What I had been expecting to be a shabby hut was like a mansion on the inside! Massive dining hall, intricately decorated walls and furniture, and glorious staircases indicating this wasn't even all of it.

Asclepius leads me into a room down the hall. Everywhere you look is books and scrolls it seems to be the most extensive library in existence, which, being the bookworm I am, I am overly excited about all of it.

He leads me to a table with a glowing orb levitating over it he presses a hand to it. Suddenly I can see him. Apollo. My sunshine. His glow is faded, he seems pale, and he's lacking energy. It's all wrong, it's so unlike the Apollo I knew. I look to Asclepius concerned.

"It's Hecate. She had a demigod son who ended up with a demigod daughter of his, I don't know specifics but I guess there was some terrible feud and Apollo's daughter had done something to Hecate and she blames him I guess...? Anyways she's been torturing him, draining his powers slowly. But you know what happens if we lose him, right? If we lose him we lose everything; archery, poetry, music, healing, the sun itself!" He explains, he's clearly upset. I nod, of course he's upset, he too is one of Apollos kin, and therefore too would be nothing without Apollo.

"Yes, my lord. I understand, but... how Can I do anything? I'm in no way powerful" I ask him, totally confused as to why he wants me of all people to do this!?

He merely smiles at me, "I was just getting to that..." he pulls a massive stack of books from the shelves and sets them down on the table with a thud. Great, he thought this through... I'm doomed.

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