Dude! Lit books are heavy! ...Did I Get That Right...?

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"Yo, man! Check this sword out! It's so lit fam!" He said holding up a long shiny sword that appears to be made of silver and gold, it's handle decorated in rubies, it was indeed a beautiful sword. Just... one... question...

        "What in the gods' names does 'lit fam' mean? And what does 'yo' mean? And what does 'dude' mean...? The way you converse... it's rather odd." I said, he burst out laughing.

        "Dude is like something you would call a friend... yo is like a greeting... and... lit and fam are two different things... lit is like its... well honestly I don't think anyone knows really... but lit is an adjective and fam is like dude.... but seriously! Check out this sword, isn't it the littest?!" He explained

         "I... I guess...? It certainly looks marvellous. Though... I'm not much of a sword guy..." I said. He smirked.

        "Yes well who ever said you would be wielding it? Finders keepers dude!" He said and handed me a rusty and weak sword "you can have this one"

         I rolled my eyes "I'm terrible with a sword... is there a bow in here...?" I moved some more rubble.

         "Oh yeah, sure. But it's pretty trash..." he pulled out a bow made in the same style as the sword, it was absolutely stunning, the arrows a perfect match, crafted perfectly. "Found this junk a while ago, can you make it work?" He asked.

        "Make it work?! It's perfect!" I quickly grabbed it, slung the quiver on my back and put the bow inside "what other useful items did you not tell me about?!" I insisted.

        "Dunno... I was only lookin' for weapons, Cynthie. Books and stuff are no good for me." He said handing me a few dusty books "here take them to go... we have an adventure to get back to!" He said the last part rather heroically, he kept piling books in my hands. Now towering over my head.

        "You can carry some too you know..." I complained. He simply shrugged and guided me out to the carriage. I dropped the books in it and quickly stacked them neatly. He climbed up onto the drivers seat and took off. I sat in the back reading through the books with my new reading speed powers. I sorted the useful and non useful ones as I went. I felt the carriage stall.

       "Cynthie, you gotta throw out some of that weight, the flying horses are getting tired...!" I heard him call back to me. As it continued to stall.

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