Voice of Reason

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Wow... for the first time, I'm posting a story that's not an Ouran fic. Huh. Feels weird.

So, over the course of the past five days, I've succumbed to what is known as Prinxiety. Also Logicality. I can't help it, it's just really cute. But, I had not expected to find inspiration to write a fic until a few days ago. And, in my usual fashion, I found it by putting in my own character. And there's only mild Prinxiety. Sorry.

Small note here: These are strictly my own opinions. Everything my character says are my own interpretations of Thomas Sanders' characters, and a bit of how my own anxiety impacts my personal life. I apologize if it's bad...  

Um, here's trying? I hope you like it.

EDIT: I started writing this story BEFORE the Accepting Anxiety videos. So Roman and Virgil are still at odds. And Roman says some hurtful stuff... fair warning.

Disclaimer: Most of these characters belong to Thomas Sanders... and one of them is Thomas Sanders. I just made this even more weird...

"What is up, everybody?!" Thomas laughed and leaned back from his camera, taking a deep breath before focusing back in on his topic for the video. He'd cut that pause out later. "So recently, I went out to the theaters with my friends and finally saw the new Beauty and the Beast movie! Oh my gosh it was amazing! I loved the music and the effects and the acting... just the whole movie was a work of art and it totally lived up to my every expectation. But, it did get me thinking about all the little differences between the old animated Disney movies and the newer live-action ones."

"Did someone say Disney?!"

As if on cue, Thomas' 'Prince' personification popped up in the corner of his living room, arms lifted in his usual pose. Internally, Thomas thanked his foresight of knowing that his different personas would likely show up in this video. It was always awkward when they showed up and there was no camera. Plus, it kinda hurt their feelings.

But that wasn't the case today, because Thomas had already set up the other four cameras -some borrowed, some purchased- and made sure they were pointing towards the usual places his 'SandersSides' appeared.

"Um, I did. We really need to have a talk about you guys interrupting my blogs, but I'm kinda glad you're here, Roman. You can definitely help me with comparing the new movies to the old ones."

"Of course, Thomas! I could never let you down!"

Thomas smiled a little, remembering that particularly bittersweet conversation, "Yeah, you're right. Anyways! Like I was saying I wanted to talk about comparing the new Disney live-action movies to their older, animated films. Like the differences in story lines and CGI and-"

"Did someone say CGI?"

"Did someone say stories?!!"

Roman groaned out loud, "Ugh! What are you two doing here? It was bad enough when Anxiety showed up during the last Disney video-"

"You called?"

"Oh, that's just perfect!"

Thomas bit his lower lip as he watched the others start complaining about each other, the Prince for everyone stepping in on his favorite subject and the others for him outwardly shunning them. It took a while before he could get a word in.

"Okay, enough! Listen, this is a video for you all, so play nice." The Prince huffed and crossed his arms, but stayed silent, thankfully. "Look, I would very much like to hear all of your opinions on this. Morality and Prince on the story lines set by Disney, Logic on the more technical side, and Anxiety for any discrepancies-"

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