The Beginning

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Last chapter! I swear!

Okay, so this is going to have a familiar feel to the first chapter, in that the explanations are purely my ideas and concepts. You can add on or disagree however you wish, these are just my personal head canons.

Disclaimer: Still no...

Thomas hummed a happy tune, bobbing his head slightly as he finished setting up the camera before him. Pulling his hands back, the man laughed with glee as the equipment remained still. It was perfect!

In fact... the past week has pretty much been the best week of his life. He was just so... happy! All the time! Internally he worried that perhaps Patton was going through something and was trying to cover it up, but when he called his Morality up a few days ago to ask about it, Patton had clearly been just as honestly happy as Thomas was.

And speaking of his SanderSides, it had been nearly a month since his last video with them, when they first met Reason, and it was high-time for the next one. And this time, he knew he had a good idea. Even Joan had given it their whole approval. It was sure to make Roman happy at the very least.

Shaking his shoulders out, Thomas let out a breath before reaching forward. Counting backwards from three, he pressed the record button.

"Hey, so a lot of people have asked me where I get all of my ideas, so I am finally gonna tell you all the secret to my success... it's-" He cuts himself off, giggling a little, knowing his fans would be more than a little irritated with that title sequence interruption. "What is up, everybody? Man, do we have a lot to talk about! For those of you who watched my last video, you know that we all met someone new, and it got me thinking... the best way to get to know someone is to know their past. So... today, I'm going to do something that I've had on the backburner for sometime and do a 'Draw my Life'!"

He beamed at the camera, eyes darting around his living room. No doubt Virgil was going to appear suddenly like last time, once again pointing out the flaws behind the idea. Or perhaps even Roman, overcome with excitement from Thomas finally following through with the old idea. Logan was also a possibility, stating that he had already announced beforehand that he was going to go through with the idea, and say something about his procrastination on the idea. Then again... he had to assume that Patton really liked to color and draw fun stuff, so he could also be the first.

But... they don't appear.

None of them.

Not even Chris.

"Um... well, I know it's not exactly an... original idea..." Thomas looked around again. He was going to have to add in cricket noises during editing... "But, um, a lot of you have been- okay, this clearly isn't working. CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE GET OUT HERE? MORALITY! LOGIC! CREATIVITY! ANXIETY!"

Immediately they appeared, looking vaguely windblown from the harsh summonings. Patton stumbled a little, falling backwards against the blinds.

Virgil held up his hands, palms forward, "Whatever you're upset about, Thomas, I just want you to know that I... had no part in it."

"Wow, way to throw the rest of us under the bus, Freak-Out Boy."

"That just makes us sound more guilty, Roman."

"Okay, pump the brakes!" Thomas clapped his hands together twice, "I'm not upset or anything, I just wanted you all out here to help me with the 'Draw my Life' video."

"Aha!" Roman tossed his hand up in his signature pose, "So you have finally accepted my idea? It's about time!" Virgil rolled his eyes, but otherwise didn't comment. Logan, however, did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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