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Oh for goodness sakes, fine. You're making me way more invested in this story than I set out to be. Oh well, broadening my horizons and all that.

Also, in light of the Accepting Anxiety videos which freaking destroyed my heart I needed some fluff and damn it all if I can't find it I will CREATE IT!

But in all seriousness, for this story, just imagine that there's a difference between the SanderSide's 'Rooms' and their rooms. Their Rooms are the corner of their minds where each side is strongest/where they originated from/private places for them only. Basically, the four opposing corners of Thomas's mind. Their rooms are more common ground, where they stay when Thomas doesn't need to heighten any one of them. For example, in 'Accepting Anxiety', they went to Anxiety's 'Room' because Anxiety could forcefully keep himself from being summoned or others from appearing if he wanted to unless Thomas helped. Which is why the others could go in afterwards without Thomas: Anxiety allowed entry.

Disclaimer: Thomas hasn't gotten back to me on selling the rights, so I still don't own the SandersSides. Which makes sense, because... ya'know... they're him... Ugh.


Patton unhappily flopped backwards over the armrest, his back hitting the white cushions of the couch with a soft pamf. After a bit of wiggling, the Dad persona managed to push his head into his boyfriend's lap, forcing the logical side to look away from his book and down at the other.

"Is there something you require, Patton?"

The other pouted, "You're ignoring me."

"Liar. It's impossible to ignore you, especially as you rarely ever stop speaking and we're together for approximately 68.42% of the time every day, if not more." Logan hummed as he closed his book. He should really consider recalculating that figure... it was probably much higher now that Patton slept over most nights.

His boyfriend, however, continued pouting, "Oh really? What did I just say before I sat down?"

"I'd hardly call this sitting..."


Logan hesitated, but finally sighed and lightly petted Patton's hair, "Fine, I apologize for ignoring you, but I have to finish this book by Thursday. Please forgive me?"

Instantly Patton was sitting up and kissing the other's cheek, "Awwww! I can't stay mad at you, Logan! Apology accepted!"

He rolled his eyes, but Logan still managed a small smile as he accepted the other's affection. Casting one last forlorn glance at the book in his hand, he sighed and set it down before wrapping his arms around the other's waist, "Now that you've succeeded in claiming my full attention, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"We need to get Roman and Virgil together."

Logan pushed his boyfriend back a little to make direct eye contact, "Are... where did that declaration come from?"

The other shrugged, "I dunno... just seems like something we should do."

"... Your reasoning aside, aren't you the one who positively insisted that those two would discover their own mutual attraction to each other without us needing to, quote unquote, "meddle"?"

"Yeah... but I don't care about winning the bet. I just think it needs to happen." Noticing his boyfriend's apprehensive expression, Patton whined a little more, "Come on, Lo... you know I can't do it by myself! You make such good plans..." Logan smirked, readjusting his glasses as the typical smug expression that usually followed Patton's praises settled on his face. On the outside, Patton pretended like he didn't know what he was doing.

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