Prove it, Princey

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Alright. Y'all are going to be the death of me.

FIRST, I only wanted to write a one-shot. THEN you all asked for a second chapter and by some stroke of luck I came up with a cute little thing. And FINALLY someone requested a third chapter literally less than an hour after I put up the second one. I'm not trying to guilt trip you though. In fact, I'm honored that you all like this story enough to want more! So thank you for pushing me a little further out of my comfort zone, and I hope you enjoy this chapter just as much as the others.

Warning: Some swearing

Disclaimer: The SandersSides are not mine.

Please don't forget that I'm here, too. Anxiety risked a glance away from the screen in front of him, peeking at the couple he was tentatively sharing a room with.

Logic and Morality were still cuddling, something they had been doing more and more often lately. As he watched, Logic looked away from the movie they had on and glanced at the other laying across his chest. The intelligent persona smirked before turning back to the screen, holding his boyfriend tighter.

Anxiety rolled his eyes and retreated further into his hanging chair, glad for the dark, enclosed space that allowed him to comfortably spend time in the common room with the others. Of course, everyone's chairs were pretty much everything they could hope for. Creativity, also known as Prince, had his over-the-top gold-plated throne with plush red cushions that allowed him to be center of attention... as always. And Morality used to have a large green Lay-Z-Boy to lounge around in while Logic had his sleek black leather chair... but that was before they got together.

After they made... "Logicality"... official, Morality's and Logic's chairs had vanished from the common room and were replaced by a grey two-seater couch. It passed Morality's softness test (after an excited belly-flop) and yet remained simple enough for Logic to appreciate the change.

And considering Anxiety and Prince had been waiting for those two to get together for literal years (really, you can't call someone an idiot that many times or bake them that many cookies before other people start to catch on) it had been cute at first. Or... perhaps cute wasn't the right term for Anxiety.

Maybe tolerable?

But after the first three or four days of 'Logicality' getting their feet off the ground, that's when everything got awkward.

It only took one tentative 'thank you' kiss during take-out night to prove that Morality wouldn't burn his boyfriend's face off before the Dad persona was all over Logic. At least during the very beginning of the physical side of their relationship Logic had been tentative, shy, and more importantly, sensible about the whole touching and kissing deal.

Until one day he wasn't.

Prince had experienced his misfortune first, which Anxiety had been pleased with, but after a few days... both had to admit that there were no winners. Except for Morality and Logic. But that was a given.

As it was, Anxiety was pretty sure that he was experiencing a new record. The couple had been cuddling together for perhaps an hour and they hadn't dissolved into a make-out session yet. Over the past few weeks, he and Prince had both noticed that while Prince was more likely to walk in on the other two, Anxiety was so quiet and still and usually hidden that, if he didn't make his presence obvious, then it was quite possible for the couple forget he was there and start kissing even if he was in the same room.

Anxiety gave the two on the couch another glance. So far, it looked like they still remembered he was there with them. And yet, he couldn't help but wish that... oh, this is going to feel so wrong... he wished that Prince were here. Then there'd be no way for Logic and Morality to mistake that they were in an empty room.

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