Matters of the Mind and Heart

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I got a few requests for a second chapter about what happened with Logic and Morality, and while I hadn't planned on writing this, I got an idea and... welp, you see the result. I hope you like it!

EDIT: All real names have been officially changed!!!!

Disclaimer: Still don't own the SandersSides.

On most days, Logic's room looked like a modern day apartment.

Walking inside, one would usually find themselves in a large open space with polished wooden floors and full-wall windows just opposite the door. To the left were two huge bookshelves filled with everything from novels to encyclopedias to textbooks that covered most of the wall, save for a tiny space in the middle where a ladder lead up to the loft where Logic kept his bed. On the right side of the room would either be a desk with whatever new paper Logic was preparing for Thomas or a pristine white couch. There was another door on that side of the room that lead to his personal bathroom, but other than that, the room was very Spartan.

Just... not at the moment.

Right now, a good half of the bookshelves were empty. Said missing books were scattered all over the room, some haphazardly tossed to the floor and bent in ways that would usually make Logic cringe if not physically gag, but today he couldn't even focus on anything other than going over the last couple minutes in his head over and over again. Perhaps that's a way he helped out Anxiety... over analyzing...

Augh! This is not the time! Damn these emotions!

Logic nearly stumbled into his couch, which was odd considering he was pacing the middle of the room, and took a moment to recall exactly why it was there and not pressed against the wall like it should be. But then he remembered. He had pulled it away from the wall when he'd tossed a book behind it only to frantically attempt to retrieve it.

Finally able to focus on something other than the video that had just been created, Logic took a deep breath and started fixing the room, starting with the couch.

As he pushed it back towards the wall, his mind continued to spin around, attempting to make a plan. It was times like these that Logic really wished he could be more like his favorite character, Data. Oh yes, he'd been extremely pleased to have been asked that particular question in the Q&A video. After all, it made sense why he'd prefer Data, who didn't have to deal with human emotions, which made him superior to Spock, who did.

Superior to me.

Groaning in frustration, Logic went back to pacing, trying to not step on the books littering the floor. The raging thunderstorm outside the windows wasn't helping either, but it wasn't like he could help it. Because the stupid weather was tied to his damn emotions!

The rain changed to hail.


Logic's bedroom door shook violently in its frame as something heavy slammed into it from out in the hallway. The doorknob rattled for a few seconds before the sound of a fist hitting the door echoed through the room, followed by a painfully familiar voice.

"Logan? Logan! Oh my go- Logan! Open the door! Please open up!"

As he listened to Morality pounding on the door, Logic knew that behind him the hail had stopped, turning instead to freezing rain, matching up with the flash of panic clenching around his lungs. Of course, he immediately began resenting the way his body was filling up with dread, and started his favorite pastime.

Telling himself all the reasons that emotions, particularly his own, were illogical.

His feet took measured steps towards the door as he began. I can easily deny anything that might've been implied if he seems upset by it. I could suggest that what I'm feeling isn't jealousy, but protectiveness... after all, we've only just met Reason-

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