How to get kicked out of Walmart Hetalia!

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Disclaimer:I do NOT own Hetalia nor the reader just this story thingy

Memo: Also more stories going to be post like one very soon called "Tony's fairytale book". And Hetalia Academy. And other various. I will also update on my Hetalia 60 things guys should know about girls soon! Night!

1: Hold a barbie for ransom

"Alfred please tell me you aren't serious about doing this!" _ said being dragged towards the dreaded shopping place for the lowest prices!



Alfred looked over at _ who was being dragged in by Alfred inhuman strength. Alfred flashed his hero grin before heading over to the ski aisle. Alfred grabbed two large black ski jackets,pants, and black ski masks.

It was a bad idea leaving that e-mail open on your computer.

"I SO am _!" Alfred laughed" And you're going to help me!"

_ looked horrified as she was forced to put on the black clothing and ski masks. Alfred dragged her towards the doll aisle where there was a large Barbie display case. Also little girls and somewhat teenagers who never stopped their love for barbie crowded around the new Barbie doll.

Alfred jumps on the display case and to the horror of all Barbie lovers he grabs the new Barbie.

"Don't move I'm not afraid to use this!"Alfred said holding up sharpie.

"NOOOO!" the Barbie fans cried out.

_ face palmed.

"I demand a ransom and in return I won't draw on this PRICELESS BARBIE!" Alfred said in his "indoor" voice.

The Barbie fans looked like they were going to faint and the security guards tackled down Alfred. _ sneaked away before she could get tackled down. Watching from a safe distance she watches Alfred being man-handled and kicked out of WALMART along with his sharpie.

~~~Extended ending

"Hey Alfred look your one the news!" _ said pointing to the TV.

"Whoa no way!"

"And today a young man demanded a ransom for this PRICELESS BARBIE in Walmart and was man-handled and banned from Walmart for a long long time"

And then they should Alfred's adress.



"RUN ALFRED!" _ shouts at the hero who was currently running from an angry pack of little girls, and teenagers.

How to get kicked out of Walmart Hetalia!Where stories live. Discover now