.:'*':. Batterie: Charisma .:'*':.

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"It's such a lonely day," the Batter called out to no one in particular. For some reason, he picked up his phone and put in his numerical password. He scanned through two of his contacts, or rather, his only two contacts.
"Pablo or... Zacharie?" Oh, how he hated having to decide between the two of them.

He wasn't exactly close to either, so at this point, it was like choosing between red or blue. Defeated, he sighed and tapped the taunting green, phone icon. Within seconds, the Batter regretted the decision; he regretted it so much that he didn't notice the confused, "hello"s on the other side of the receiver.

"Hello?? Why'd you call only to stay silent, dear friend?"  Zacharie pondered whether to hang up or not while arching his brows in a frighteningly confused manner.

"Oh, right.  Would you want to meet up today sometime?" His breath paused, and he braced for the coin flip that had a seventy-five percent chance of heads. 
"Would I!! I'm glad you asked, honestly.  Today was proving to be monotonous." The voice on the other end croaked out the words excitedly, almost as if these were the last words he would ever speak again. 
"Okay.  See you at six."
"Wait-wait, you didn't even let me agree on a time!!"

"Damnit," the lean figure felt a buzz in his hands.

Zacharie: <°))))>< Stop ending the call abruptly!
Me: What the fuck is that thing?
Zacharie: It's a fish.
Me: oh.  just come @ 6
Zacharie: >:'(

He honestly didn't understand half of what Zacharie sent, and he didn't respond to it, either.  Deeply, he inhaled and began the several hour wait.

Vvrrring-!  The sound jumped out at the Batter like a deer would risk it's life to cross the road.  Sluggishly, he rose and opened the door, wearing a plain black tee with a pair of, too small by now, sweat pants.  The torn door had slight difficulty opening, but it trudged on nonetheless.  It opened up to a short (compared to the Batter at least), somewhat pudgy male wearing a mask, who also sported hair darker than oil. 

"EEe, it's been a while since I've seen your beautiful face in person-!"
"Uh- How about we just watch something on TV."
"Oh, yea, sounds good!"

For no good reason, the Batter's face flushed a fluent red, yet he didn't mind that.  Possibly, he mentally noted, it was a normal reaction, but he's never experienced it.  Yes, that was it.  Hopefully.  If he was being direct, he didn't like the feeling of his blood rush without purpose to his face.  The feeling was odd and caught him off-guard; he hated that feeling with a passion.

"Yo, are you okay? Can I go in now?"
"Oh, yea, my bad."

Both males sat down on the couch, and the Batter grabbed the remote without hesitation.  Flipping the channels, he didn't care what they watched, nor did he care for what Zacharie wanted either.  Losing his motivation, he decided upon a baseball game being aired.  The aura around the two told the Batter that Zacharie wasn't into the game, and Zacharie sensed that he knew it, too.

"Do you mind if I change it?  We could watch a movie if you like?"
"N-..." Zacharie's tone resonated like a lost puppy.
"Fine." Wait, he didn't want to say that at all!  What happened to his dignified repulsion?  There was something about the way he said it that the Batter couldn't wrap his head around. 

Morosely, he handed the remote over, and Zacharie found the desired channel with renounced gusto.  Odd, it was just an auction or pawn shop; Batter didn't care which it was. 

Without his permission, the Batter's arm slinked over to Zacharie, and for some awful, horrible, terrifying, and different reason, he didn't want to move it anywhere else.  Nope, not a single inch elsewhere. 

The smaller male's ears became rubicund to signify that he was as flustered as the Batter. 
"Eehehe, that was out of character, wasn't it?  You should get closer if you want maximize this, though." Batter did as he was told.  This whole situation mimicked a lost sailor at sea being drawn in by ethereal maidens of the vast ocean. 

Maybe, the Batter liked being the lost sailor, and maybe, just maybe, one day he would realize the powerful strength of Zacharie's charisma.

(R.I.P. I need to read more smh, can't write anymore.  Sorry this is bad 💀👌 I know I danced around the whole time without much action, but I just feel,,, out of it?  It just feels like I've lost my ability to think deeply/ I don't want to write anything because everything under the sun has been done before.  It's like anything I think of is never original enough, so I don't care, ahaha, rif me.  Feel free to suggest other stuff as well!!)

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