Lilacs and Booze (TomTord)

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//I drew the media and im hella proud,,, better artist than a writer honestly.

"Another one, please."
If the first speaker had eyes, they would clearly follow the glass as the bartender stoically poured in whatever concoction the drunken boy had thought of.  He picked it up as soon as it hit the polished wood, and he threw it down with a tinge of anger.  Before the chance of roofies became an increasing danger, Tom internally established the motive he knew he would regret more than getting roofied. 

Inimically, Tom sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around his midsection in a hazy state.  Blurred.  Heat rushing to his face with enough velocity to penetrate through the wall.  Panic.  His ears ceased to pick up sound, and instead, only intensified the hoarse cracking of his vocals.  Hot breath on his neck, hotter than the sun that fell out of the night's portrait.  

Tom imagined Tord's words as fireworks, yet he'd've been struck down with the impact if he'd done so.  Honestly, if he put himself up to home plate and took a wild swing at what Tord was whispering in his ear, he'd be able to recall it verbatim.  Tom assumed it was along the lines of, "You know Edd'll be pissed if he knew you gorged yourself on alcohol again."  The Norsk had good intentions, but he never understood that Tom only cried when he got drunk as a natural reaction.  

Warmth better than a hot shower in the middle of winter seeped into Tom's bones and cheaply scented candles danced in his mind every second his quivering diaphragm forced him to imprison the oxygen around.  Tord's sweatshirt smelled like lilac, as it often does on nights like these.  Nights where Tom cries out of habit, and where Tord runs his fingers through Tom's tangle of a nest on a broken tree stump.  Nights where Tord can't take the ugly sobbing and creates a pulsing silence between the two.  Nights where they've cuddled, bonded, and interlaced lilac and booze to create a new soothing comfort.


(A/N:  kinda glad wattpad deleted 5/7 of my 700 word wip, rip.  Drabble I suppose?  Next I'll probably write pastel! tom/ dweeb! tord ughh end me please.  There's a fanfic called the pastel and the punk and its so good urghiga dm me for a link if you cant seem to find it, yo.  author is super rad.  

Also, my other wattpad is dmmd_rusame_ but thats more art related and I dont update it much as of now.  Probably will later but yea.)

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